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The initial outbreak of herpes is usually the most severe. A patient who has never had genital herpes or cold sores typically has the worst initial outbreak. A history of other herpes infections may make the initial outbreak less severe, as the body already has related antibodies. These patients may be more likely to have genital herpes without knowing it. As time goes on, outbreaks typically become less severe.

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Q: Is herpes a serious disease
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It is spelled herpes (virus and viral disease).

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Equine rhinovirus is a virus causes mild respiratory disease in horses, much like a common cold in a person. Don't get this disease confused with equine influenza or equine herpes virus, which are more serious.

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Variola (smallpox) is not in the herpes family. It's in the poxvirus family.

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Herpes is not transmitted by polluted water.

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The correct spelling is herpes and it is a virus disease of the skin with out-breaks of blisters. Other than being painful and kind of disgusting, it doesn't cause any serious health problems.

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Acyclovir is used to treat any disease caused by viruses in the herpes family. These disease include chicken pox, cold sores, genital herpes, and shingles.

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No its is an STD(sexually transmitted disease)

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HIV and herpes are two examples of disease-causing viruses for which there is no vaccine.

What is untreatable STD causing periodic outbreaks of blisters?

This is herpes infection. It is caused by a herpes simplex virus (HSV). Oral herpes causes cold sores around the mouth or face.

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It does not cause herpes however the compromised immune system renders the crohns patient susceptible to a variety of illnesses including herpes zoster (shingles).

Is thyroid disease serious?

Yes very serious!