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Q: Is holly toxic to sheep
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What is toxic to sheep?


Are bluebells poisonous to sheep?

No, bluebells are not poisonous to sheep. Some poisonous plants for sheep are holly, foxglove, ragwort, and trumpet lily.

Is holly poisonous to cats?

Yes, holly is poisonous to cats. It gives them intestinal problems or causes throwing up. Do not feed your pets holly. (Poinsettias are also toxic.)

Can sheep eat blackberry bushes?

Yes, sheep can eat blackberry bushes. Some poisonous plants for sheep are foxglove, holly, Jerusalem cherry, and the vinca vine.

Are holly berries edible?

No, they are considered "Toxic" to humans but are a great food source for birds.

Why sheep don't get sick?

Yes they can become sick from eating toxic plants, they can get worms and they can get respiratory infections.

Is mustard seed toxic to any animals?

it can be toxic to poultry, cattle, sheep and horses, possible other animals as well.

Why cant sheep have copper?

Sheep cannot have copper in their diet as it contains high toxic levels. Molasses are considered to be a source of copper and therefore should not be fed to sheep.

What animals eat holly?

Holly is eaten by pigs and wild boar, sheep, deer and a variety of birds. Most herbivores will have a go at holly but the holly will fight back and you will find that holly trees grazed by cattle will produce needlelike thorns at the lower end that will deter grazers.

How do sheep stay healthy?

By not eating toxic plants and by having an owner who vaccinates them and drenches them for worms.

Are pieces of hollyberry bushes harmful to have in house?

Although holly berries are food for wild birds, they may be toxic to dogs and cats.

An evergreen shrub with purple berries?

1 type is the pine tree. What tree do YOU get 4 x-mas(x-mas=christmas)