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Yes, the word "house" has a short sound for the vowel letter 'o'.

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Q: Is house a short e sound word?
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Is house a short e word?

No, "house" does not have a short e sound. It is pronounced with a diphthong, similar to the "ow" sound.

Does house have a short e?

House has a SILENT e. so you speak the word as though it's not there. A short e is the sound of the e in the word EGG and a long e is sounded in the word EEL

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No, the word "he" does not have the short e sound. It is pronounced like "hee" with a long e sound.

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No, the word "feet" does not have a short e sound. It is pronounced with a long e sound.

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Short e sound

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The word 'let' does have a short e sound. Some other words that have the same short e sound are sled, head, and deck.