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Tetanus cannot be transferred via mouth to blood, due to the fact that tetanus cannot grow inside of the mouth because of the saliva. If one has tetanus, it cannot be transferred to another via mouth. The only possible danger is if your blood comes in contact with theirs in which case you might want to be checked, although chances of gaining tetanus from another person are slim to none and if you are updated on your tetanus shots, then there's nothing to worry about.

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Q: Is human bite a risk for tetanus infection?
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Do you need a tetanus injection after your ferret bit you and drew blood?

Bites from ferret usually do not cause infections. As with any animal bite, always cleanse the area thoroughly. Tetanus is a disease caused by a toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium tetani.According the Merck Manual, people at risk of infection from tetanus are ones that have burns, surgical wounds and injecting drug users and it is relatively rare in the US.

Can a tetanus shot prevent rabies?

No...a tetanus shot will not prevent rabies. Tetanus is a bacterial infection spread by manure and soil entering a cut. Rabies is a virus. It is spread by blood or saliva from an infected animal. There are rabies prevention vaccines for people if you work in a high risk environment.

Pick at bug bite?

If you pick the scab of a bug bite it will not heal as quickly. In addition, you run the risk of getting an infection. It is best to leave it alone until it heals.

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because a womans immun system is weaker during pregnancy, therefore they are at higher risk of infection and/or disease... its safer to get vaccinated

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A non-venomous snake bite is just like any other bite. If it's broken the skin there's risk of infection, as with any other unclean item piercing the skin.

Will you become a werewolf if your dog bites you?

No. Werewolves are nothing but myth. However, a bite from any animal carries the risk of infection, so you should see a doctor.

Why do you give tetanus vaccine to a burn patient?

Burn wound conditions promote the growth of Clostridium tetani, and all burn clients are at risk for this dangerous infection. Tetanus toxoid, 0.5 mL given IM, enhances acquired immunity to C. tetani. This agent is routinely given when the client is admitted to the hospital.

How serious is a puncture bite from pit bull?

As with any dog bite, there is a risk of infection if the skin is broken. See you Doctor if you have been bitten by any dog, and be sure to investigate to see if the dog is up to date on it's Rabies shots.

What can put a person at risk to contract Cellulitis?

Cellulitis is a skin infection caused by bacteria. Normally, your skin helps protect you from infection. But if you have a cut, sore, or insect bite, bacteria can get into the skin and spread to deeper tissues. If it is not treated with antibiotics, the infection can spread to the blood or lymph nodes. This can be deadly.

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Tetanus can be treated once symptoms appear, but it may become a medical emergency. It is better to have a vaccination before beginning any work that could increase the risk of tetanus. Tetanus vaccinations provide years, even a lifetime of immunity.

What happens to humans when a nonvenomous snake bites them?

Depending on the size and species of the snake, the bite may be somewhat painful and may bleed. There is a risk of infection, so a disinfectant should be applied.

Why is the kidney transplant recipient at greater risk of infection?

Because the patient's immune system is suppressed, he or she is at an increased risk for infection.