

Best Answer

Yes. Prices vary form $1 per mg. to $.50 per mg, depending on who you sell it to.

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Q: Is hydrocodone sold on the streets?
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Is hydrocodone illegal?

Hydrocodone is legal if a Liscensed Physician prescribes it. It is illegal if it is sold "aftermarket", abused, or obtained from somewhere other than a pharmacy.

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molly Malone sold cockles and mussels on the streets of Dublin

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It got sold to Sweden

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can be. because porridge is now widely sold on the streets.

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What type of prescription drug is hydrocodone?

vicodin... Answer: Hydrocodone is the generic for Vicodin. Hydrocodone is a controlled drug in the United States and is sold by prescription. Hydrocodone itself is not sold over the counter, whereas such drugs as aspirin and others can be bought over the counter or be filled by prescription.

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The Romans sold their tickets at the marketplaces and on the streets. This was called 'in arena' for which the tickets were to be held for.

At the beginning of the Industrial Revolution who were often the garbage collectors in the city?

There were no city garbage collectors. Streets were dirty and people called rag pickers sold things they found.

Is Vicodin the same as Hydrocodone?

The opioid analgesic ingredient in Vicodin is Hydrocodone. Vicodin is a brand name of a medication containing both hydrocodone and acetaminophen. Hydrocodone is an ingredient in Vicodin which is a "trademarked" name. Vicodin has Hydrocodone in it. Vicodin is a combination of Hydrocodone and Acetaminophen so no Hydrocodone is only one of the two drugs that is in Vicodin.

What do Hydrocodone tablets consist of?

Hydrocodone and acetaminophen

What is in hydrocodone SR?

Pure hydrocodone powder