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When talking about ionic or covalent, we are referring to the bonds between two atoms or ions, not characterizing the whole molecule. In hydrogen peroxide, the link between the two oxygen atoms is a covalent bond (both atoms are negatively charged, and share an electron), while the link between the hydrogen and oxygen atoms is an ionic bond (the oxygen atom is negatively charged and the hydrogen is positively charged, thus they are attracted to each other).

^^^ionic means that the electronegativity difference between atoms is greater than 1.5. Oxygen and hydrogen have a difference less than 1.5 but greater than .5 which makes it polar. Hydrogen peroxide is a covalent compound

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13y ago
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Lvl 1
3y ago
so whats the answer
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Lvl 1
3y ago
nvm its covalent
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4d ago

Hydrogen gas (H2) is a covalent compound because it forms when two hydrogen atoms share electrons to complete their outer electron shells. It does not involve the transfer of electrons between a metal and a nonmetal, which is the characteristic of ionic compounds.

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12y ago

It's covalent bcz it's sharing of electrons between two atoms.

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13y ago

Yes, it is

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8y ago


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Q: Is hydrogen gas an ionic or covalent?
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