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I would say only accept this answer from a MD. In my personal opinion I would ask you if you were upset about something that triggered you to hyperventilate.

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Q: Is hyperventallation a symptom of asthma?
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Is nighttime awakenings a symptom of asthma?

Not necessarily, it is also a symptom of sleep apnoea.

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Is asthma a symptom?

no a breathing disease or disorder

Whistling sound when you breathe?

It can very well be a symptom of asthma.

What are the symptoms of asthma in children?

The main symptom of Asthma in children is Wheezing, that is 'trouble in breathing'. Asthma causes a clog in the airways of human respiratory system that causes the trouble in breathing.

What are the symptoms of asthma in adults and what are the treatments?

The symptoms of asthma include shortness of breath, a feeling of tightness in the chest, and frequent coughing especially at night. Another symptom of asthma is difficulty breathing.

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Coughing as an Asthma Symptom?

Most people believe that wheezing and shortness of breath are the two most common symptoms of asthma. However, coughing is also an asthma symptom. Some parents may mistake their child's cough as a cold or a sinus infection. They may even give cough syrups to quiet the child's coughing. However, a dry, barky cough may signal that the child has asthma and is not moving air in and out of his or her lungs well.

What is a wheeze and what it is a symptom of?

Wheeze: A whistling sound made by the flow of high-velocity air through narrowed airways. Wheezing is a symptom of several respiratory diseases including byssinosis and asthma.

Which note-taking technique involves drawing a connecting line between the topic asthma and the detail emergency symptom?

The note-taking technique that involves drawing a connecting line between the topic asthma and the detail emergency symptom is called mapping. There are many different techniques that people use in their note taking.

What is the treatment for occupational asthma?

The most effective treatment for occupational asthma is to reduce or eliminate exposure to symptom-producing substances. Medication may be prescribed for workers who can not prevent occasional exposure. Leukotriene modifiers.

Do you have asthma if you cough up phlem as well as wheezing?

Coughing up phlegm (correct spelling) can be a symptom of many things. But it could sometimes mean a sign of asthma. If you are concerned or think you have asthma, go see your doctor or GP and ask for an asthma test. Better safe than sorry :DLove, lozziemacozzie ♥