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Yes it is providing a total hysterectomy is performed which is the removal of uterus and cervix. A hysterectomy itself (removall of the uterus) will Not prevent Cervical cancer.

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9y ago

HPV requires hysterectomy only if it causes cervical cancer. Most women have screening and early treatment that eliminate that need.

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Q: Can hpv create the need for a hysterectomy?
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If you have hpv high risk DNA will a total abdominal hysterectomy bilateral salpingo oophorectomy prevent you from getting cervical cancer?

You can't get cervical cancer after your cervix is removed, but you can have residual cancer or HPV infection in the vagina. But it is not necessary or desirable to have a hysterectomy due to high-risk HPV. Simple monitorning is sufficient for most people. If treatment is needed for high-risk HPV, it's because the Pap smear or biopsy was abnormal. It takes many years for HPV infection to cause cervical cancer, and most people will control the virus without ever getting cancer.

Do men need to take hpv vaccination?

Men need to take the HPV vaccine just as females do.

Can you still get HPV after having a hysterectomy?

Yes. Anybody, including men, can get Human Papilloma Virus or HPV. In women, HPV can increase your chance of cervical cancer or genital warts. The HPV vaccine "Gardasil" is highly recommended for all young women, and it may not be a bad idea for all men as well. After all, men can be carriers of HPV, and the last thing any man would want to do is to give HPV to his wife or lover.

Is Hysterectomy good for Cervical Cancer?

Yes. Cervical cancer is often caused by the HPV virus that is sexually transmitted and by removing the cervix the cancer/virus is also removed if it hasn't spread beyond that point. In the US 600,000 women a year go through a hysterectomy. Some only have the cervix removed while other also have a complete hysterectomy with the ovaries as well.

What will happen if no pap smear after hysterectomy?

If you had your cervix removed during hysterectomy, and if the hysterectomy was not done for pap problems, there is no need for pap smear after hysterectomy in most women. Contact your health care provider for advice specific to your situation.

Would you need vaginal sling after an hysterectomy?

No, you do not need this after a hysterectomy. Some women have had these put in to aid previous incontinence, but for quite a few women, this has not worked out. You might just have the hysterectomy and consider the other at a later time. Get a second opinion.

Do you still need to get your hormone level even after hysterectomy?

A hysterectomy removal of utereus or total hysterectomy uterus and cervix will not affect your hormone levels as you still have your ovaries which produce the hormones.

How do you know if you need a hysterectomy?

Your doctor will probably have to recommend it. Uterine Cancer, or another serious condition would warrant a hysterectomy.

What if you cant poop after hysterectomy?

then you need to call the doctor

Do you need rhogam after placenta accreta with hysterectomy?


Can you get a hysterectomy after you've had your tubes tied?

No. A hysterectomy is done for other reasons rather than family planning.

How are pregnant woman treated when they have HPV?

There is no "treatment for HPV." A patient with genital warts may seek treatment. A patient with cancer related to HPV will need treatment. The presence of HPV alone does not require treatment in anyone, whether or not she is pregnant.