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Since it has particles large enough to cause sedimentation in the bottom of the glass, I'd say yes.

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Q: Is a cup of tea with tea leaves suspension?
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Is a a cup of tea a suspension or solution?

A suspension

Is bubble bath a colloid solution or suspension?

Its definitely a suspension since the pearls in the tea do not dissolve in the tea itself.

Draw a flowchart shows preparation of tea?

put tea in cup then flow the chart with the cup if you need tea. Make tea to flow the chart...

With one teaspoon of black tea how many brewed cups are produced?

One heaping teaspoon of dry tea leaves per 6 oz of water will produce one 'cup' of tea. The leaves may be used multiple times. This is also dependent on the type. If the leaves are rolled or larger, use more. Also, green and oolong use more leaves per cup

Should we say that he has a cup of tea or he have a cup of tea?

He has a cup of tea.

Project report on comparison of caffeine in tea and coffee?

Coffee has more caffeine than tea. For more details about tea: Most "tea" such as black, green and white tea are all made from the same plant called Camellia Sinensis. However, black tea has the most caffeine, then green, then white. This is because white tea is made from new camellia sinensis leaves (or baby tea leaves they are sometimes called), green tea is made when the leaves are a little older, and black tea is made from even older leaves. White tea also has the most antioxidants (beneficial). The newer the leaves, the more antioxidants and the less caffeine a tea has. The older the leaves, the less antioxidants and more caffeine it will have. Hope this was helpful! = )

What is difference between tea of a cup and a cup of a tea?

There is no such English phrase as "tea of a cup." You either have a cup of tea, or you have tea in a cup.

What is the chemical formula for iced unsweetened tea?

Tea has no chemical formula. Tea is a solution and colloidal suspension of hundreds of thousands of different chemicals extracted from tea leaves (including some made by bacterial or fungal fermentation if black tea leaves were used) in water. Every batch of tea made is also different in the chemicals present and their relative concentrations.

What is a simple recipe for a tea-based drink?

steep 2 teaspoons of tea leaves in one cup hot water for three minutes.

What do you do with tea leaves after a reading?

After the reading is finished the cup is washed and the leaves are either washed down the drain (if there are just a few) or composted (if there are lots).

What separating method can be used to separate tea leaves from tea?

put both of them into water

Is a cup of tea a mixture?

I am sure that iced tea is a compound or a mixture. It depends if sugar is in it. Than it is of course going to be a mixture cause you can separate sugar from the liquid.