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Yes it is. That definition is correct.

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Q: Is instantaneous velocity the right answer to the question speed and direction of an object at a specific moment?
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How is velocity same from instantaneous speed?

Instantaneous speed is the magnitude of the velocity. Velocity also states the [direction] of the speed.

What is the Instantaneous velocity?

Instantaneous velocity is the velocity in difference displacement in shortest time or specific time interval.

What is instantaneus velocity?

Instantaneous velocity is the velocity of an object at a specific moment in time.

What is the formula of velocity?

There are several definitions. not just one. Average velocity in a direction = Average displacement (distance) in that direction/time Instantaneous velocity in a direction = derivative of displacement in that direction with respect to time Average velocity in a direction = Initial velocity in that direction + Average acceleration in that direction * time Instantaneous velocity in a direction = Definite integral of acceleration in that direction with respect to time, with initial velocity at t = 0 Then there are others in which time is eliminated.

What is the difference between instantaneous velocity and instantaneous speed?

Speed, instantaneous or not, is a term used for how fast an object travels. Velocity, instantaneous or not, is a term used for how fast an object travels in a particular direction.

What are the difference of instantaneous velocity and average velocity?

Average velocity in a direction is calculated as the displacement in that direction divided by the total time taken. As the time interval is reduced, the displacement over that period also reduces and the limiting value of that ratio is the instantaneous velocity.

What's the difference between instantaneous velocity and instantaneous acceleration?

Instantaneous velocity is the rate at which an object is moving in a uniform direction, distance per unit time, at any given instant in time. instantaneous acceleration is the rate at which an object's velocity is changing at any given instant in time

Is instantaneous velocity a vector quantity?

YES!!! Because velocity is speed in a given direction(vector). e.g 30 mph is a scalar quantity, but '30 mph in a northerly direction' is a vector quantity, because it has direction.

What is the rate of change of position at a specific point in time?

The rate of change of position is the velocity. The velocity at a specific point in time is called the instantaneous velocity.

What is the speed of an object in a certain direction?

Speed is distance/time or distance per unit of time. It is velocity that is distance/time in a given direction. Velocity can be said to be speed in a certain direction.

Is the magnitude of instantaneous velocity always equal to the instantaneous speed?

Because speed is the magnitude of the velocity vector. The velocity consists of the speed and the direction, and the whole thing can be embodied in a 3D vector. If you like the velocity is the magnitude (the speed), which is a scalar (just a real number), multiplied by a unit vector in the right direction.

If the instantaneous velocity of an object is constant then so is acceleration.?

the velocity increases at a constant rate