

Is intent necessary for possession

Updated: 12/17/2022
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Q: Is intent necessary for possession
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Is having possession of a drug with the intent to supply it a status crime conduct crime or a result crime?

Having possession of a drug with the intent to supply it is generally considered a conduct crime. The crime is committed based on the individual's actions (possession and intent to supply), rather than the result (actual distribution or sale of the drug). The focus is on the person's behavior and intent rather than the outcome of the crime.

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Possession with Intent to Distribute?

Is possession of a legend drug a felony?

If you are charged with possession with intent to sell or deliver, it is a class B felony. If you are only charged with possession it is a misdemeanor.

Why is it necessary to join intent with an act?

It is necessary to join intent with an act because there may be no intention to commit a crime and your responsibly will be lessened. If there is intent, but no act, there is no crime.

Why is intent necessary to solve a crime?

INTENT is not necessary to solve a crime.... intent is necessary to prove a crime. A crime consists of TWO elements and two elements only: A criminal act accompanied by a criminal intent. If you have those two elements together - you have a crime.

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If caught possession with intent to supply what sentence could i get?

5 years

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20 to life

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Can you be in the medical field with a possession of firearms and possession of class B substance with intent to distribute?

Doubtful you would be accredited by state licensing board.