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the tune of Iron from about -60 to -190 kcal/mol, substantial amount of heat gnerated so the reaction is exothermic.

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Q: Is iron rusting a exothermic reaction?
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Is rusting metal exothermic or endothermic?

It is an exothermic reaction. However, rusting of iron liberates only a small amount of heat as compared to other forms of metal corrosion.

When iron rusts is it an endothermic or exothermic reaction?

It is an endothermic reaction because in endothermic reaction energy is added .In that reaction nitrogen does not react with oxygen without energy added in the shape current . In that reaction 3000`current is applieded to take reaction b/w nitrogen and oxygen

How is rusting in an enothermic reaction applied in everyday life?

Rusting is an eXothermic reaction, not an eNDothermic.

Does rusting of iron is a reaction of iron and nitrogen?

Oxidation (rusting) of iron metal is the reaction of iron and oxygen

Is rusting of iron an endothermic process?

According to the definition of an exo/endo-thermic compound, all metallic oxides (rusty metals) are exothemic compounds, since their forming reaction starting from elemenets (Me + O2) is called rusting as an example of an exothermic reaction.

To show the rusting of iron?

Rusting of iron is an oxidation reaction in the presence of water.

Is rusting of iron harmful or useful?

Rusting is an oxidation reaction.

Is rusting an example of burning?

Fire is the oxidation of carbon in the form of wood or coal and is an exothermic reaction (releases heat). Rusting is the oxidation of iron which is also an exothermic reaction releasing small amounts of heat but to be considered burning it must be an intense heat. The reaction between oxygen and iron is too slow and releases its heat over too long a period of time but that is an interesting way to think about the reaction. That is similar to asking if H2O is a rusty H2 molecule.

Is a rusting car a redox reaction?

Yes, rusting is oxidation of iron. The iron is oxidised, the oxygen is reduced. This is thus basically a redox reaction.

Does air rust iron?

Rusting is a chemical reaction - an oxydation; the essential factor for iron rusting is oxygen.

How does wrought iron rust?

Rusting of iron is a chemical reaction of oxydation (reaction with oxygen).

What is caused by chemical reaction iron and oxygen?

The formation of iron oxides is caused by chemical reaction of iron and oxygen. Note, it is not rusting; rusting also requires the presence of water.