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Q: Is isopropyl rubbing alcohol good for cuts because it evaporates fast?
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How do you remove rubbing alcohol from clothes?

When speaking of rubbing alcolhol, I mean Isopropyl Alcohol. You really shouldn't have to remove it, because it evaporates, leaving little or no mark behind!

Does rubbing alcohol have acetone in it?

No, rubbing alcohol has oil and isopropyl alcohol in it.

Is isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) is a solid or liquid?

Rubbing alcohol is a liquid.

Is isopropyl alcohol the same as denatured alcohol?

Isopropyl alcohol and rubbing alcohol are not the same thing. For most uses, yes you can. This is because: • Rubbing alcohol may contain either isopropyl alcohol or ethanol. • Rubbing alcohol is a mixture of compounds (type of denatured alcohol) whereas isopropyl alcohol is not.

What is inside rubbing alcohol?

Rubbing alcohol contain water, methanol or isopropyl alcohol, a dye.

What is the IUPAC name of rubbing alcohol?

Rubbing alcohol is called 2-propanol or isopropyl alcohol.

How do you eliminate the smell of rubbing alcohol?

The smell should disappear as the alcohol evaporates. A chemist may be able to recommend a different product.

What is a 60 percent isopropyl alcohol?

This is a solution containg 60 percent isopropyl alcohol; can be used as rubbing alcohol.

How many ml of isopropyl are present in a 70ml bottle of rubbing alcohol?

Assuming it is 90% by volume isopropyl alcohol, then 70 ml of rubbing alcohol would contain 63 mls of isopropyl alcohol.

Where do you buy isopropyl?

Isopropyl alcohol, or rubbing alcohol, can be bought at any drug store or super market.

Can isopropyl alcohol still be used for rubbing after expiration date Can isopropyl alcohol still be used?


Why does alcohol taste?

because of the chemicals used to distill it. alcohol such as drinking alcohol has ethanol in it and rubbing alcohol has isopropyl which is a poison that can fight infection. drinking isopropyl can cause a permanent drunkness that will destroy your liver because it can not be digested.