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I have tested positive with blood that am pregnant but scan says there no pregnancy. i don't know whether it is some kind of sickness.

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Q: Is it 100 percent sure that a blood test can say your pregnant?
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Can a blood test tell you if you are pregnant?

Yes a blood test can tell you you are pregnant. That's why to make sure someone is pregnant the go to the doctors and take a blood test for pregnancy.Yes

Is a blood test 100 percent accurate in determining pregnancy?

For most women yes. There are a few women who are pregnant with a negative blood and urine test. But very few.

How do i tell if i am pregnant?

The only way to be sure that you are pregnant is to take a pregnancy test and they are not 100 percent positive. The doctor has the best way of telling.

How can test a pregnancy?

If you mean how to see if you are pregnant, then you could do a home pregnancy test which you have to pee on and it measures your hCG which is a hormone only found in pregnant women. You can also go your local doctor and ask for a blood test. There are two tests from the doctors; Quantitative Blood Test - which measures you exact amount of hCG or the Qualitative Blood Test - which gives you a basic yes or no answer to whether you are pregnant or not. Pregnancy tests are around 97-99% accurate, but with a home pregnancy test, be sure to do 2-3 just to make sure.

If your pregnant and you get a blood test exactly what does the blood test show to conclude your pregnant?

It shows a high amount of a certain hormone

How can you be sure that you become pregnant?

You can get a blood test done, which is more accurate than a home urine test. Also, an ultrasound test can be done to actually see the pregnancy.

How can you test if you are pregnant without using a home pregnancy test?

False positives on home pregnancy tests are very rare. If you get a positive and believe that you are not pregnant, see your doctor and they can draw blood and do a beta hcg. This will show if you are pregnant for sure.

Can you be pregnant if you had 4 neg home preg tests and 1 doctor that said you are not pregnant based on a blood and urine test and one doctor that said inconclusive based on a urine test?

As you had a blood test, you are definitely not pregnant. The blood test is 100% accurate.

Will a hpt test show negative if I'm pregnant and bleeding?

It is possible. You will want to make sure than any blood does not come in contact with the test, this includes any blood in your urine as well.

What test tells you how many weeks pregnant you are?

a blood test tells you how many weeks you are when you are pregnant.

Can you have 12 negative pregnancy tests and still be pregnant?

yes, apart from blood test or scan there is no way to be 100% sure

Use home pregnancy test and the result are positive but the blood test result is negative am i pregnant?

i would try another home test to be sure. the hormones that are used to identify pregnancy can be found sooner in the blood than in the urine.