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No, in fact cats in general should not drink milk. They do not have the enzyme needed to properly process milk in their digestive systems, so it usually just causes stomach upset and diarrhea.

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12y ago

Never give a cat or kitten cow's milk, as the lactose in it can cause vomiting and diarrhoea. As a treat you can give a kitten specially formulated kitten milk from time to time, but it isn't a necessary part of the diet if the kitten is fully weaned (if it is not fully weaned, it should not be parted with its mother until it is). Fully weaned kittens get their nutrients from high quality cat food, and can drink water.

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14y ago

No do not give cats milk it will hert them

Cow's milk is very bad for cats or dogs, will cause diarrhea. Your kitten need regular kitten dry food, NO MILK. Just purchase a good name cat food made for kittens and offer it to your kitten twice a day. Keep lots of fresh water in front of the kitten. Don't forget about vaccinating your cat, take him or her into your Veterinarian for a good check up & vaccinations.

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13y ago

Cats are lactose intolerant. Do not give them milk.

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Q: Can you give your four month old kittens milk?
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Do four week old kittens still need milk?

Kittens need their mother's milk for at least 8 weeks.The answer to your question is yes.

Can a mother cat give milk to kittens after spaying?


How old do kittens have to be before you can start them on milk in a bowl?

to be honest, milk is not actually good for cats so it is best not to give them milk. but you can sometimes get these special milk for kittens from pet shops. you can feed them that from quite a young age.

Can baby kittens drink human milk?

Probably, but I really wouldn't recommend it... Why do you want to give human milk to a kitten? Who wants to give their milk to a kitten? :S

Is supplement feeding wise for new born kittens?

if the mother is still around and is able to give the kittens milk then dont stop her. supplement milk is no where near as good as mother's milk. it doesnt have the nutrients the kittens need to survive and keep strong. but if you have new borns which dont have a mother or the mother is unable to provide milk then as the vet for help and supplement milk is the only answer.

Do 7 week old kittens need milk or water?

Kittens need their mother's milk when there about 1-7 weeks old. Once weaned you can give them kitten milk (never cow's milk) as a treat, but it would be best to give them water instead.

What can happen to a kitten if her mother die?

Kittens' instinct are not so matured to realize that their mom died. So technically kittens don't feel anything except the nutrition of their mother's milk. However, give them milk (goat milk is the best for cats I heard) and take care of them. They will grow up healthy and strong. Usually the mother's parts are to provide milk and safety. So if you can give them both, kittens don't need their mother. And they are very playful. So play with them and enjoy.

Can you give cow's milk to your rabbit who is one month old?


Can kittens have 1 percent milk?

Except in the case of immediate emergency with no other option, it does more harm than good to give cows' milk to kittens. Kittens should get their mother's milk until weaning; if the queen isn't producing sufficient milk or is otherwise unable to care for the kittens, you should feed the kittens a formula designed for cats (e.g. KMR). After weaning, cats have no need of milk and it shouldn't be given to them. Most cats are lactose intolerant, so even 1% milk can cause serious problems. That being said, an accidental lick or two by a curious kitten shouldn't do any permanent harm.

How often do you give a kitten or a cat milk?

It depends.. The age of the kitten is important.. Kittens can get milk.. it just depends on how old they are. 3 months is the right time you can feed them milk if they are suppoted on their mother's milk. However.. if the kitten does not have a mother, it is encourged that they are to have milk. You are welcome!! -Amber <><><><> Many cats and kittens have trouble digesting cow's milk- upset tummy. There are milk replacements you can get from a vet if you need to nurse an orphan kitten- but would pass on cow's milk. Remember, they are kittens, not calves.

Can i add evaporated milk to my kittens formula?

No. Go to the pet store and buy milk made for kittens. They even sell little milk bottles to feed them.