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getting an ear piercing has nothing to do with a knee surgery so you should be fine.

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Q: Is it OK to get an industrial piercing which is two holes in your ear cartilage a month before knee surgery?
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Is bleeding during cartilage piercing normal?

A little bleeding is to be expected with cartilage piercings, the incision in the cartilage needs to be larger than the jewellery gauge going into the piercing, this is to allow the skin to heal between the jewellery and the cartilage. Excessive bleeding is an indication your piercer didn't candle the cartilage before doing the piercing to see where the veins are located on both sides of the cartilage.

Can you get a body piercing a week before surgery?

i wouldn't suggest it

When you num your cartilidge does it still hurt when you get it pierced?

The piercer won't numb your cartilage before piercing it.

Can you stretch your 5 month industrial piercing to a 14 gauge from a 16?

No. Let's understand the body before we go doing anything. Cartilage is not an elastic tissue like skin, it is a frame work that holds the tissue in place but doesn't stretch, it tears. You can not taper a 16g cartilage piercing to 14g without doing damage to the cartilage and the piercing. Regardless of what some folks will say, cartilage doesn't stretch like regular ear lobes do, so if you want a higher gauge you need to consider repiercing. You may be able to get a 14 into a 16 hole but it will be very sore and very painful in the long run, hardly worth the pain and effort.

Is it normal for traguss piercing to hurt after changing the piercing?

The traguss (the piece of cartilage that sticks out at the start of the ear canal) can vary in thickness from person to person and so if the wrong size jewellery is used when changing the piercing this could cause discomfort and or pain. Also lack of proper aftercare following the initial piercing and changing the piercing to early -before healing is completed. It normally takes between 8-16 weeks for healing to occur. This is longer than a lobe ear piercing because it is through cartilage. It also depends on the site of the piercing, the tension created on the cartilage and the size of jewellery used.

How do you know if an industrial piercing is infected?

Whether you are talking about the industrial piercing or other common ear piercings, they all involve puncturing a jewelry in the skin. Thus, any piercing can easily get viral or bacterial infection, if you don't follow aftercare instructions carefully. &, knowing the signs & symptoms of infected industrial piercing will help you to get treatment before it become very serious. Some of the obvious symptoms of infected industrial piercing are prolonged swelling, inflammation, redness, pain & burning sensation (after the initial 3-4 days of piercing). Unusual discharge of yellowish-green thick fluid & bleeding from the pierced area are also some noticeable symptoms of industrial piercing infection.

How much does a cartilage piercing cost in Southampton millennium?

Most places charge the cost of the piercing studs themselves. If getting only one piercing, its half the price plus a $2 separating charge. For cartilage piercings places such as Piercing Pagoda tend to charge an addition $2 cartilage charge Cartilage piercing is not permitted to be done with piercing guns in North America under most health regulations due to the inability of the stud to create a proper hole in the tissue and cartilage to allow the skin to heal the piercing in a timely fashion. Body piercing studios will charge more for ear cartilage piercings, however the added expense is well worth it in the end.

How long do you need to keep your tragus piercing in before you can change it?

A Tragus piercing, being a deep cartilage piercing should be left in for a period of 3~9 months to allow the piercing to properly season and toughen. As with any piercing they are never considered fully healed until they are a full year old. So the longer you can leave it alone without changing the jewellery the better it is for the piercing.

How long before you can remove an industrial piercing and not have it close up?

1 year after having it done, you can take the jewellery out for an 8 hour period without fear of the piercing closing up.

Is it okay to remove a cartilage piercing before it is fully healed if you replace it soon after?

Yeh you can remove it, i took my tragus piercing out after 2 weeks and but it back in about 2 hours later and it was fine. The longer it's had to heal the longer you can leave it out. :)

Im getting an industrial piercing soon is there anything that would lower the pain?

Well you could take some Ibuprofen or Advil before you get the piercing done, but be sure to advise your piercer about your plan before you go for the piercing. Some piercers don't like clients taking any medications unless they are prescribed before a piercing is done. So check with you piercer first.

I got my industrial scaffolding piercing a week ago but my schools making me take it out will it get infected?

Your piercing should not get infected if you take the earring out but you should rinse it in alcohol before putting it back in to avoid infection.