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It's a bad omen if you keep looking at it instead of the road.

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Q: Is it a bad omen when you see a hawk on a road sign?
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Hawk a bad omen?

Hawk Messenger from the spirit world, stopper of time. If you see a hawk, look around, there is a message for you in what is also going on around you. I don't see that as bad.

What is an omen seeker?

An omen seeker is someone who looks for an omen, which is a sign, that is either good or bad to seek out what the future will be like.

Do comets being a sign of bad omens have a scientific basis?

No. The very concept of "bad omen" is unscientific.

Is it a bad omen when a hawk hits your window and doesn't flee when it see you?

Hawk is seen as a messenger. I'm thinking he has your attention... Now look around and figure out what he is telling you.

Is a hawk attacking a bird in your yard a bad omen?

only if the bird had red feathers. the death of a red feathered bird calls for bad luck

Is a dead bird in the house a bad omen?

Yes most people consider a dead bird in the house as the sign of a bad omen. Birds are considered by some to be the harbingers of death.

Is a hawk carrying a dead pigeon in it's talons a bad omen?

No, it's just a bird doing what nature programmed it to do.

What does omen mean?

An omen is something that is believed to be a sign or warning of something that will happen in the future. If a black cat crosses your path, that is supposed to be a sign of bad luck. In Japan, the opposite is true.

Is omen a bad word?

The word omen is not a bad word

What does dead bird mean in witchcraft?

A dead bird is said to be an omen. This is believed by many to be a sign of bad luck.

Is it good or bad omen if bees come and make hive out side your house?

This can be a good or bad omen. If you don't like bees it is a bad omen however if you appreciate their role in nature it can be a good omen.

Is losing gold a good or bad omen?

It's not an omen it is carelessness or bad luck.