

Best Answer

Not necessarily. Nose bleeds are messy and inconvenient, but not very dangerous

unless they happen frequently. Don't worry yourself over it. You just go ahead and

keep thinking about the big bang.

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Q: Is it a bad thing if you get a nose bleed from thinking of where the energy from the big bang came from?
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What created the buildup of energy that led to the big bang?

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Dose space ever end?

NoAnswer:Present thinking is that the Big Bang created space, time and energy/matter. As a consequence at the expanding edge of the Universe there is a region of no space or time.

Was the big bang the first thing to ever happen?

In the current model of the universe the big bang was the 1st thing to happen in the universe since time itself was created in the big bang.

What started the big bang?

There is no such thing as the big bang, you fools. God created the earth!

Whats mechanical energy?

I believe in the big bang theory! God spoke and BANG! It happened.

Where was energy first made?

Basically, all energy that currently exists in the Universe was there from the start - i.e., from the moment of the Big Bang. It is not currently known what caused the Big Bang, or where the energy came from.

What did space look like before the big bang?

There was no such thing as 'space' before the Big Bang. In fact, there was no such thing as 'before' before the Big Bang. Space and time both began with that event.

How is the Big Bang different from the asteroid that hit the Earth which may have caused dinosaurs to go extinct?

You are thinking of diffrent things. The big bang was a giant explosion that allowed all the dust and debris from that to come together to form earth. Billions of years later was the dinosaurs thing

What is the first thing in the universe?

The first thing in the universe was energy. During the Big Bang, all matter and energy were concentrated into a hot, dense state before expanding and forming the early universe.

In what way does the Big Bang Theory conform with the law of conservation of energy?

The law of Conservation of Energy states that energy can't be created or destroyed, so the Big Bang theory would condradict that.

What is bang king institutions?

There is no such thing as a "bang king" institution. I believe you mean "banking institution.

Why did the world started with the big bang?

There is no such thing as the big bang, you nidwits. God created the earth!