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The reason why its an exxageration, is becasue its only looking at something from only one side of the coin. Its more of a biased questoin than it is an exxagurated argument. because youre attempting to make a one sided generalization against the kid that attempts to completey ignore the child's boundaries and fundamental rights. Its an exxagerated generalization that attempts to completely ignore the child's fundamental boundaries and rights.

the problem that i have with this question is that its an attempt to find conviction behind something that is going to refuse and neglect to look at a situation through both sides of their viewpoints. in one hand you have the child who has a legitimate viewpoint and on the other hand you have the adult who also has a very legitimate viewpoint.

the problem that i have is once the generalization is made that "adolescents do not get along well with their parents" is that even if the kid is then having an understandble issue that is taking place between him and the adult, however fundamentally wrong the case may be against it, the generalization is applied that, "well adolescents generally don't get along well with their parents" which is completely ignorant to the fact that the kid is having a serious issue which 99% of the world would agree is incorrect to have happen to him/or her.

you could turn the questoin around and say "is it a bit of an exxageration to argue that parents generally do not get along well with adolescents?"

which would actually be more ture than the questoin that you are asking here. The reason why youre questoin is wrong and biased is because like i said before its a generalization that attempts to completely ignore the child's fundamental boundaries and rights. And not only that, but once we start applying those one sided generalizatoins to situations, were completely ignorant to the fact that some of these kids are having serious isssues that are taking place that someone needs to look at.

what is an adolescent anyway? Its a individual who is going through changes in which they develop into a mature adult. And often parents themselves are the ones that cannot get along well with their adolescents, becasue its they themselves who find it difficult to accept the changes that their young son or daughter is now becoming a mature individual who can make choices and decisions on their own. And by applying that one sided generalization that the orignal questoin is attempting to find conviction in, we are actually as adults, dissallowing that child to gain confidence and become a developed young mature healthy adult, which is what the period of adolescence is hopefully going to achieve for that child.

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Q: Is it a bit of an exaggeration to argue that adolescents do not get on well with their parents?
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