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Melting is a physical change.

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Q: Is it a chemical change when the sun melts a cryon?
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When a chocolate bar melts in the sun a physical or chemical change?

It is a physical change.

When a chocolate bar melts in the sun is it a chemical or physical change?

Physical because on the appearance of the chocolate bar changed

When a chocolate bar melts in the sun is it a physical change or chemical change?

Physical, Since only the property of the chocolate didn't change, after it melted, it still is chocolate

How does the sun change ice?

It melts it.

What kind of change takes place when the sun melts a crayon?

That is considered a physical change. The molecules in a system move faster when heat is applied. If you incinerated the crayon, it would be a chemical change.

Is warming up in the sun a physical or chemical change?

It is a chemical change, because the sun converts hydrogen into helium to create heat and light.

Is sun burning chemical change?

No. It is a nuclear change.

Is yellowing of newspapers in the sun a chemical change?

The yellowing of newspapers is a chemical change, specifically, it is oxidation.

Is the crayon melting in the sun is physical or chemical change?

A Chemical

Side walk is warmed by the heat of the sun physical or chemical?

The sidewalk being warmed by the heat of the sun is a physical change not a chemical change.

The chemical change of the sun's energy into glucose and oxygen?

Yea Photosynthesis is the chemical change in plants that uses the sun's energy and converts it into glucose and oxygen.

The chemical change of the sun's energy into glucose and oxygen-?

Photosynthesis is the chemical change of the suns energy into glucose and oxygen.