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I don't think it is a federal offense but it is ethically wrong. You know its wrong but you do it anyways because you're curious. There could have been a better way to handle it -ie. return it to the post office- but i don't think you'll be sitting behind bars for it.

Another View: YES, it is a federal offense. It is a violation of US Postal Regulations: "Intercepting the Mail Belonging to Another." Depending on how well or how badly the divorce is going, or how vindictive she may be, you could be letting yourself in for a LOT of grief!

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Q: Is it a federal offense to open my ex-wife's mail if it is delivered to my address?
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Yes, tampering, hiding, removing, or opening mail not addressed to you, before it is delivered to the intended addressee, is a federal crime.

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No, you may not. It is a federal offense to open someone else's mail.

Is it ok to open mail delievered to your address not in your name?

No, I believe it is illegal to open up another person's mail even if it was accidentally delivered to you.Added: The federal offense under US Postal regulations is is "Intercepting US Mail Belonging to Another."

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A federal crime or offense is something made illegal or defined as criminal by a federal government. An example of a federal offense is identity theft.

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A post office worker or a postal mail carrier is a federal employee. It is a federal offense to threaten a postal worker.

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You will not be punished even if you work as just the janitor you are still part of the company and it is your right to read the mail; no matter how important it is.

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