

Is it a heard of elephants?

Updated: 10/9/2023
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6y ago

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Yes, they are referred to as "herds".

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Q: Is it a heard of elephants?
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Is it called group of elephants or heard of elephants?

Elephants travel as herds.

How far can an elephants rumbling sound be heard by other elephants?


Can elephants make sounds heard 50 miles away?

can elephants make sounds herad from 50 miles away

Can you feed elephants at the Melbourne zoo?

last time i read about then i heard that there were about 4-5 elephants

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What does an elephant talk on?

Elephants don't talk.They do talk !They don't !They most certainly do, haven't you heard of trunkcalls !!!!

Do elephants live in prides?

Elephants live as a big heard which comprises of dozens of females and a bunch of baby elephants too. Almost all female baby elephants stay with the herd all their lives. Whereas, the male baby elephants usually leave the herd when they are around 5 years or so. Once they are old enough to fend for themselves, they usually wander off and lead solitary lives.

How far away can an elephant talk with other elephants?

A surprisingly long distance as elephants are able to generate very low frequency sounds (i.e. infrasonic, frequencies that humans cannot hear at all) that can travel through the ground for many tens of miles and still be heard by other elephants.

Is elephants sound is loud?

Yes. Elephants have a very loud sound. When people walk in forests and other areas surrounded by elephants, the sound made by the elephants indicates whether they are near or far away from them. - Elephants also make an ultra low growling sound. Research has shown that elephants will make this noise travel through their huge feet into the ground. The sound can be heard and identified some 3 kilometers away by other herds

Were there mastadons in ancient Egypt?

I haven't heard of any, precious little about elephants either. The closest elephant to Egypt I've heard about is in the slightly southern kingdom of Numbia. The closest Mammoth in th Ukarain.

Are rhinos relative to the elephant?

No. Elephants and Rhinoceros are two totally different animal species. Rhinos are much smaller and lighter when compared to the elephant. Also, Rhinos are solitary animals whereas elephants live in a heard of numerous animals.