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It would not be ethical to address a serious medical issue here, even if we were qualified to do so. Your physician is the person to whom you should be speaking about this. He knows the situation, has seen the test results, and is the person most qualified to help you understand the diagnosis.

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Q: Is it a stroke when all your test come back negative?
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Can your test come out positive then negative?

If it's a pregnancy test the answer is no, A test can come back negative even though its positive. But if it's positive, it's positive 99% of the time.

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Are Lyme disease tests acurate?

not really. the ELISA test is the 1st test your primary doc will use to test for lyme disease, unfortunately it can come back false positive or false negative. the western blot test looks at more of the spectrum so to say. the elisa test came back negative for me but the western blot showed i had/have it, in multiple strains

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It will come back inconclusive and you will likely fail depending on what it's for

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Drinking water will eventually flush out the system, but it can take months before your drug test would come out negative.

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Assuming you have not had sex during course of the 3 tests, and the last test was at least 6 months after you last potential exposure, if you come back negative 3 times in a blood test for HIV, it means that you are not infected with the Virus HIV or you do not have the HIV.

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Can you have glandular fever but test negative?

You can test negative on a blood test for upto 10 days after contracting glandular fever. If this should occur with you, go back to your Doctor in 2 weeks for a repeat blood test. If it is negative, you do not have glandular fever.

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If you take a pregnancy test when you are a week late but your cycles are always irregular and the test is negative but you are now 2 and a half weeks late should you retest would the test come back?

If you are getting other pregnancy symptoms, yes, take another test.

Haven't had a period since August 15th took four pregnancy test two positive and two negative can i still be pregnant?

yes of course. you probably most likely are pregnant than not.. its very rare for a pregnancy test to come back positive when its ment to be negative. However, if a negative comes back this happens a lot due to not enough hcg in your wee. Go to the doctors