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I am not a Christian myself, but the question sounds like you want to punish the child for the sins of his parents. It is not the child's fault that the parents didn't get married, so denying him something that Christians consider important is quite unfair.

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Yes, children can be baptized in the Mormon church at age 8, regardless of their parents' martial status.

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Q: Is it acceptable to baptize a child if the parents are not married?
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Why should you baptize your child?

You must baptize your child , so that she will filled with the holy ghost. When a child is baptize, he/she has become a part of God's family, the Church.

Who's fault of child obesity parents or the child?

The parents of course. A child's mind is easily molded into what's acceptable and what isn't. It's the parents' responsibility to make sure that they understand what a healthy lifestyle is.

Do parents still have rights after they child gets married?

Yes. parents have always rights to the child. Because the exist of child in the earth is only for their parents.

Do illegitimate child could ask for child support even if the child was not acknowledged by the father and their parents are not married?

The parent of an illegitimate child may ask for child support. Regardless if the parents have ever been married, every child deserves to grow up with the support of both parents.

When is a child a step child?

when the two parents that are dating become married and are legal

If neither parent has custody can you keep the child in NY?

With the court's permission, if the parents are not married. Single fathers have no assumed rights to a child. Married parents have equal rights to the child until otherwise ruled on.

What do the parents do if an accidental pregnancy occurs in china?

If married they can keep the child, otherwise they have the option of adoption or abortion. If they are not married and have the baby out of wedlock the child will not be registered and will not exist as a real citizen. If they already have children it depends on where they live if they can afford to keep the child since it's in the cities the one child rule is mostly applied. In rural areas it's more acceptable top have more than one child.

Cana child be baptized by their parents?

Yes, anyone, even an unbaptized person can baptize in emergencies. But if it is not an emergency then the child should be baptized in the Catholic Church. If the Church denies baptism, then it should not be done.

Can your unborn child have your last name if one of the parents is married?

A child cannot be named until she/he is born. Then, if the parents of that child are unmarried the mother can name the child. When one of the parents of a child is married to a third party that complicates the situation in every way. If you have questions regarding the situation then you should seek the advice of an attorney.A child cannot be named until she/he is born. Then, if the parents of that child are unmarried the mother can name the child. When one of the parents of a child is married to a third party that complicates the situation in every way. If you have questions regarding the situation then you should seek the advice of an attorney.A child cannot be named until she/he is born. Then, if the parents of that child are unmarried the mother can name the child. When one of the parents of a child is married to a third party that complicates the situation in every way. If you have questions regarding the situation then you should seek the advice of an attorney.A child cannot be named until she/he is born. Then, if the parents of that child are unmarried the mother can name the child. When one of the parents of a child is married to a third party that complicates the situation in every way. If you have questions regarding the situation then you should seek the advice of an attorney.

What is a love child?

Love child means an illegitimate child. it means someones parents were not married when they had a baby/the love child

Still married child father and get child support?

Whether or not the parents of a child are still married or not, the non-custodial parent should pay child support to the parent raising the child. If the parents are still married but living apart this may need to be done by mutual agreement rather than a court order. Not paying only hurts the child.