

Best Answer

Answer 1: It is morally wrong for a Hospice nurse to do anything of the sort. Although it may seem sweet and harmless at the time it can be also be damaging to the patient; because it is not their place to show that type of affection to them. Hospice nurses jobs are purely to help the patient live comfortably in the process of death. Many nurses seem to cross the moral line and be overly affectionate towards their patients and show their affection in inappropriate ways i.e. Hugging or Kissing even if it is on the forehead it is inappropriate.

Answer 2:

I suppose this depends on the situation around it rather than the actual act of "kissing".

Close contact such as a kiss is a common gesture in many countries world wide.

A kiss with a sexual undertone would not be considered appropriate. A kiss may and can however mean so much more. A child bonding to a nurse may rest easier feeling the love of a friendly kiss goodnight.

Many examples of a kiss given by a nurse can be found quite appropriate and more an act of true caring for people rather than anything else.

We must remember that a patients "need" might be more than just of bodily healing and recovery. Easing of mind and taking away bad dreams surely does no harm.

A problem is always that people may interpreet a good careing nurse to be something else, and a nurse may exploit a situation.

I just do not feel that it is right to make all nurses bad that does this.

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Q: Is it appropriate for a hospice nurse to kiss a patient?
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