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Trim the broken toe nail so it doesn't snag on anything. Remove at the last possible instance -- it will basically remove itself. No need to rush this process.

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Q: When to take off the broken toenail?
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Can you get toenail fungus from a broken toenail?

If you don't take good care of it, there is a large possibility that it would get infected and turn into a toenail fungus. Toenail fungus is largely caused by poor hygiene practice, so with a broken nail plus poor hygiene that would lead into a fungal infection.

If you have a cracked toenail with dried purple blood should you take it off?

No! Let the new toenail grow to replace it.

What happens when your toenail is broken in the middle of the toe?

The new toenail will grow in and the old one will fall off or be pushed along if it is still attached. Go to a doctor if it pushes into the skin or otherwise irritates the toe.

How do you make your toenail fall off if they aren't loose?

By picking or peeling the toenail off.

Should you cut a broken toenail that is barely hanging on?

if there is no quick attached then yes cut it off before it gets worse, the quick is the blood vessel that runs through the nail and if it is severed in any way worse case is the animal could bleed out and possibly die, if the quick is attached take it to a vet, they have things that will make the bleeding stop immediately.

Your toenail polish is coming off and you are super distressed so what do you do?

Take it all the way off and replace it with new polish.

What makes a toenail fall off?

If you drop something heavy on your toenail, it will kill the nailbed and it will fall off. Usually will grow back eventually.

Can you work out if your toenail has came off?


What steps do you do when a doctor takes off your toenail?

On the Lighter Side....After a toe nail removal, the steps you take would be .... gingerly.

Should you see a doctor for a broken toenail?

It should not be necessary unless it becomes infected.

How do you cut an ingrown toenail?

take a needle go right into the the part of the toenail by the skin, lift the toenail up with the needle and take the nail clippers and cut it back. or in the front of your toenail right in the middle, cut a v shaped figure. the point of the v should be facing up the toenail. this way the toenail will grow toward each other and will prevent ingrown toenails to happen.

How can you tell if a toenail is dead?

The dead nail will begin to detach (and eventually fall off) while a new toenail grows in.