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It's bad if the turtle is still in it.

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Q: Is it bad if a painted turtle egg is deflated?
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Related questions

What does a painted turtle egg look like?

A turtle is typically a reptile like creature with four legs and a shell. Picture:

How do you create a turtle Doodle God?

sand+egg= turtle

How do you save a deflated egg white?

You can add another egg white and beat it with the others. However, this will not always work. If your egg white deflated because you left it out, I advise you add some baking soda to the egg white and mixing it. I did that once and it worked. Hope you find this useful.

If your pet painted turtle laid eggs in the water and you buried them will they live?

If you took the egg out of the water before the 2 hours after it was layed then it is possible for it to live.

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Why does my pregnant turtle keep flipping over She has laid one egg so far and btw it's a painted turtle and she keeps flipping on her back?

If your paint turtle has all of her eggs and continues to flip over on her back i would recommend taking her to the vet for a better medical exam.

Do the turtle egg needs to be in sand to hatch?

Yes turtle egg need the sand to hatch.

What would happen if your turtle egg has a dent in it?

Usually, a small dent in a turtle egg is okay but a large dent or a sunken in egg could mean that the egg has collapsed. For more information, I recommend going to the Turtle Tails website link in the related links; it gives a complete guide on how to care for turtle eggs and what it means if a turtle egg looks a certain way. It would be best to go on that site. Hope your egg is okay!

How do you use the colour egg in a sentence?

The walls were painted an egg yellow.

Is a box turtle a live bearer or an egg layer?

Egg layer

Ok my red eared slider turtle that i rescued from the river in my backyard has laid 1 egg and my dad says that it needs a male turtle to furtalise the egg is that true and what to do with the egg?

the egg is already fertalized that's why she laid the egg

Will slider turtle eggs hatch if you only have a female turtle?

yes my turtle lay egg alone rashed