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It is not good if they do not return to normal size. If not "pooling" occurs and clots can be "thrown".

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Q: Is it bad if blood vessels expand?
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Does cocain make the blood vessels in your brain contract or expand?

Blood vessels in the brain of a cocaine user will narrow so that means the vessels contract.

Does vasoconstrictor expand the blood vessels?

The answer to this true or false question is false. I got this answer from the last part... constrictor. constricting means to get smaller. There for the answer is false.

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How does your pulse beat?

When the heart beats it causes blood to flow through the blood vessels which causes them to expand. This expansion can be felt by touching the vessels that are close to the skin.

What does your blood vessel do?

Youre blood vessels are very bad if you have them you die

What is medication that expands the blood vessels?

Medications that expand the blood vessels are called vasodilators (the most common ones are Apresoline and Loniten)

Can the first time marijuana smoker has his blood vessels constricted?

Quite the contrary actually. Smoking will raise blood pressure and dilate vessels. Hope this helps!

What causes insect bites to sting?

Blood vessels will expand to keep the bite from bleeding. This expansion of blood vessels can irritate nerves that are nearby which causes the insect bites to sting and/or itch.

What is inflammatory exduate?

Serum (watery content of blood). The blood vessels expand making them more porous letting the serum and White blood cells out

How alcohol affects blood vessels?

Long term alcohol use causes the blood vessels to become more fragile and prone to rupture. Alcoholics have a much higher risk of stroke, aneurysms esophageal varicies and bleeding disorders.

Can you pop blood vessels on your face from vomiting?

1st answer) If it is really bad yes, but really no. 2nd answer) It is more common to pop blood vessels in your eyes.

What do blood vessels do when the body exercises?

When your body is under pressure or exposed to high amounts of physical activity, such as exercising, the blood vessels expand to allow more blood to go to where it needs to go. Your heart rate speeds up so more blood can go through the blood vessels to the muscles or tissue needing it. Hope i helped, :)