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yes! They will have somewhat a very hard time walking and cause a lot of pain, so if this is what your guinea pig has, take it to the vet so they can trim its nails!

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Q: Is it bad if your guinea pigs nails are so long that they curl under?
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Is it bad if a guinea pigs nails are so long that they curl under?

yes. you should cut them or bring them to a vet. if your pet's feet start bleeding after you cut them, you should bring it to the vet after.

Are you supposed to clip a guinea pigs nails every year?

yep. Usually once or twice a month or so. If you don't, their nails become either to long or they curl under and then the guinea pig wont be able to walk well, and it will be EXTREMELY painful. you can either go to a vet, or learn how to do it from a pro. I do my own guinea-pig's nails. it can be very difficult at times, especially if they have black nails. You will need to buy a special light to see where the blood line is if you want to clip those nails. Hope i helped!

How long are guinea pigs nails?

about a cen.long

Do guinea pigs have to get their nails clipped?

Yes. If you do not clip the nails, they will grow too long and eventually break on something, and injure the guinea pig.

How often should you clip a guinea pig's teeth?

Clipping should only be done by a vet. 2 times in a year is plenty if it must be done. Putting wood toys in the cage will stop this from having to be done. The animal will grind down its own teeth on the wooden toys.

Do you take your guinea pig to the vet if nails are too long?

yes who else

Rescued Y N A and it's claws are so long they curl around to his foot pad What should i do about that?

cut his nails or take him to a vet or groomer to have the nails cut

Do guinea pigs need to have their nails cut?

Yes they do. If not the nails will grow long and painfully twisted. In most cases it will also impair the way a piggie walks. Please cut your piggies' nails. also if you don't cut the nails the would curl and if he/she walked the nail would snatch off and fall with drips of blood and squeels. help your guinea pig by cutting its toenail you can just use a human nail cutter too.

Why do guinea pig bite there claws off?

My guinea pig, Jojo does that. I think it is because their nails might be getting a little bit to long.

Do guinea pigs have to get their nails cut?

yes you do have to trim your guinea pig's toenails. BE CAREFUL because there is this thing called a quick near the base of the toenail , so if your a little nervous about this ask your vet to do it for you or ask hi to show you how to do it.

Why does your guinea pit bite his hands?

A guinea pig does not bite it owns hands. Like other animals it cleans itself. You can see this in healthy guinea pigs. Young guinea pigs, who has been taken from their mother too soon, does not always learn how to clean themselves. Overweight guinea pigs can have a problem doing it, as well as those with very long nails. Some guinea pigs also keep their nails short white cleansing, by biting their nails.

Where can you get your guinea pigs nails trimmed?

you take it to the vets. when its nails are long