

Is it bad luck to place feet on coffee table?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Is it bad luck to place feet on coffee table?
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You can find the hinge when entering "lift top coffee table hinges" in google. We found it but it cost $160!!!!! good luck

Why is it bad luck to sleep on a table?

It isn't bad luck to sleep on a table.

Is it bad luck to spill coffee?

No, it's just a waste of coffee...

How do you make a perfect cup of coffee?

Make sure it comes from the heart, and chant "Coffee Monster Come" then you will have the perfect cup of coffee. Good Luck

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Only when the number of people at the table is odd. It's believed that odd number of people would cause bad luck, so the plus one place is there to make an even number.

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Where can a person purchase a used oak table?

The best place to look for a used oak table would be a used or antique furniture reseller. One may also have luck finding a used oak table at a thrift store, garage sale, or a flea market.

How many people seated at a table is considered bad luck?

In some cultures, having 13 people seated at a table is considered bad luck. This superstition is known as "13 at the table" and is believed to stem from various historical and mythological sources.

Are shoes on a table bad luck?

No. It just shows a lack of class.

Why does putting shoes on table bring bad luck?

Because most people regard dirt in their food as bad luck.

What are some superstitions?

If you walk under a ladder you get bad luck If you crack a mirror you have 7 years bad luck If you open an umbrella inside you have bad luck If you put your shoes on a table you have bad luck

What is the equivilant to 324 meters in feet?

1062.992125984252 feet HOPE THIS HELPS AND GOOD LUCK! :D:D:D