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No ..... if ur athletic ur fine...

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Q: Is it bad that you weigh 130 pounds and I am tall?
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If you are 12 and you weigh 130 is that bad?

It really depends on how tall you are and if you are in sports and have muscles . But I heard when u reach 5 foot you are supposed to be at around 100 pounds and every inch more adds 10 pounds

Is it bad for a 12 year old girl to weigh about 140 pounds?

im not positive because im a boy but at 14 i weigh 100 but im not sure because you could be really tall or strong

Im 12 and you were 160 is that bad?

Its Not That Your Fat Cause You Weigh 160 Pounds Its BeCause Your Tall And BeCause Of Your Bones So Dont Worry ABout It :)

Im 14 and is 4'6 tall how much should i weigh?

Maybe below 100 pounds, if you're not dont feel bad. Everyones beautiful

Is it bad to be 12 and weigh 71 pounds?


Is it bad to weigh 143 pounds at 14?

you should weigh around 112 or 115

How much is a 32 year old person sopposed to weigh?

It is spouse to weigh at least 100-130 pounds because they are a little old but not much so the should not weigh more or less. You have to go to the doctor if you do because you might be sick because being over wight is bad

Is it bad that I am in seventh grade and weigh 67 pounds?

No, not at all! I am 70 pounds myself.

Is a 4'11 5th grader overweight if she's 96 pounds?

Well no i am a seventh grader 5' tall and weigh 84 lbs you could maybe lose 5 pounds. Overall 96 is not bad.

Is it bad to weigh 51 pounds at 5'1?

Depends on how old you are

You are 11 and only weigh 69 pounds is that bad?

i used to weigh the same at your age so you are probably fine unless you very tall,if you are you should calculate your BMI or ask a doctore if your weight is proportional to your height.

Is it bad for a 15-year-old cheerleader to weigh 150 pounds?

It depends on how tall you are, how much of that is muscle and such. If you are 3 feet tall than 150 pounds is quite different than if you are 5 foot 3 inches for example. The only person who can tell you if you are overweight is your doctor. It's not "bad" to weigh more than you want to, it's just motivation to eat healthier and exercise more.