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Q: Is it bad to call someone a hobknocker?
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What does it mean when someone calls you a hobknocker?

this is really gross but a hobknocker is someone who hits guys balls

What is the real definition for hobknocker?

There is no real definition for "hobknocker" as it is a made-up slang term that gained popularity through a TV show.

Whats the real definition for a hobknocker.?

There is no real definition for "hobknocker" outside of the fictional context in which it was used on the TV show "iCarly." In the show, a hobknocker is considered to be a derogatory term for someone who performs socially out-of-line actions.

What is a hobknockah?

I think you mean hobknocker.. and It means someone who hits others in the groin.

Is the word hobknocker illegal?

No, the word "hobknocker" is not illegal. It is a made-up word used in the television show "iCarly" to mean "someone who knocks on doors with their private parts." It has no legal implications.

What is a hubknocker?

You all know that on iCarly they had the word "hobknocker" well it is not that because someone put it up because they don't like them

Is maniac a bad word?

No, but it can be impolite to call someone a maniac.

Is hobknocker used in Harry Potter?


Is it bad to call someone African?

Not if they come from Africa.

What do you call someone who has bad luck?

Unlucky I guess

What is the definition for hobknocker?

There is no official definition for "hobknocker." The term appears to have been invented for comedic purposes on the Nickelodeon show "iCarly" and does not have a specific meaning outside of that context.

What is the definition of a hobknocker?

A hobknocker is a term popularized by the TV show "iCarly," referring to someone who knocks on doors with their forehead. It is not a real word and was created for comedic effect on the show.