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Yes, it's bad to have yeast infections at any time. During menstruation you may be at higher risk of certain infections because normally your vagina is acidic to kill off harmful flora, but blood effects vaginal pH so make it less acidic and more favorable to harmful flora.

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It is not likely that a period can clear a yeast infection. A yeast infection, however, can clear up on its own without treatment. Recurrence is not uncommon.

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Q: Is it bad to continuously have yeast infections after your period?
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What role does antibiotic have in yeast infections of the urinary tract?

Antibiotic treatment for bacterial infections can produce yeast infections. Yeast infections due to antibiotic treatment are caused by the destruction of good and bad bacteria, and disrupts the vaginal flora.

What is the causes of yeast infections?

A yeast infection is caused when your body's "bad" bacteria become unbalanced and thus, the catalyst of a yeast infection. Basically, yeast infections occur when there's an overgrowth of fungus or yeast Candida in the vaginal area. Even though you naturally have a small amount of yeast living in the vagina, once it grows out of control is when it becomes a problem. Also women with suppressed immune systems are more prone to yeast infections. If you're taking antibiotics, that also has the potential to cause a yeast infection. The causes of yeast infections vary from person to person, but the above are the most common causes!

Why fo you get BV after a yeast infection?

Bacterial Vaginosis and yeast infections often go hand-in hand, it's very common to have both infections at once. Your vagina is acidic to kill 'bad' bacteria and help the 'good' bacteria (such as the bacteria that help keep yeast under control) thrive, if your vaginal pH is off-balance it's normal to develop overgrowth of 'bad' bacteria and as the 'good' bacteria is reduced yeast is also allowed to thrive.

You have this smell to long what should you wash with your vaginal area smells so bad every single day please help you?

Your ob/gyn is the first person to discussion vaginal odors with. It can be due to yeast infections, your diet of what you eat, your period or a sexually transmitted disease.

What are the side affects from tampon infections?

There's no such thing as tampon infections, tampons are a major cause of vaginal infections such as yeast infections and Bacterial Vaginosis. Symptoms can include irritation, discomfort, swelling, excessive unusual discharge, and bad odour. If you suspect you have a vaginal infection see your doctor for tests and treatment.

Where is yeast?

Yeast is a wide variety of fungi that can be found in soil and growing on other living things such as trees. Also there are infectious species that can cause irritating rashes and internal infections. Not all yeast are bad however, bakers yeast, used to make bread, can be found in the spice rack at your local super-market. Brewers yeast is used to make beer.

What is the habitat of yeast?

Yeast is a wide variety of fungi that can be found in soil and growing on other living things such as trees. Also there are infectious species that can cause irritating rashes and internal infections. Not all yeast are bad however, bakers yeast, used to make bread, can be found in the spice rack at your local super-market. Brewers yeast is used to make beer.

Can a guy get a yeast infection?

Yes. Yeast infections can cause "jock itch", which can be uncomfortable and embarrassing. Men can also pass yeast infections to their female partners. So if she has a yeast infection, he needs to treat himself as well.Shower and dry thoroughly; then spread something like Monistat cream on the underside of your penis and the area between the penis and the scrotum.

How do you know the diff between a bladder infection and a yeast infection?

The main symptom of a yeast infection is itchiness. There is over-the-counter medication that cures most yeast infections, but they also have stronger prescription medication if you have a more resistant strain. The main symptoms of a bladder infection surrounds urination. When i get them, I feel like i have to pee a lot more often and more urgently (even though i dont need to and may not even be able to), and in more severe cases it is painful to pee. Bladder infections can be caused by not urinating after sex, and in one case the symptoms hit me 12 hours after the act. I get the antibiotic ciprofloxacin prescribed, which should resolve the problem within 3 days.

How do you get rid of bad smells?

Typically a foul smelling odor, such as like a fish, is the STI Trich, which can be treated easily with antibiotics. If you get continual yeast infections, eat more yogurt.

How do u treat yeast infections?

It will burn like fire, but after you bathe take a wash cloth and wet it with vinegar and swab the affected area. Your infection will be MUCH improved immediately and gone soon thereafter. Vinegar is great for getting rid of yeast!

Why do women contract a bacterial infection after a yeast infection?

Usually because the womens immunity is lowered after contracting a yeast infection and due to the creams she applies the discharge is unable to protect effectively against further infection for a few days. Because of this, further yeast or BV infections occur. It is more common the other way round. Antibiotic treatment for any infection makes you more prone to a yeast infection as it alters the balance of the vaginal flora.