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no unless you cut them to short because it will hurt really bad

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Q: Is it bad to cut your fingernails really short?
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Is it against Sikhi to cut fingernails?

No, Sikhism does promote hygeine and long fingernails would be really hard to take care of.

What are the superstitious beliefs?

One belief is that you must not cut your fingernails at night..It's a a bad luck..

Can people have claws like bears do?

If you get surgery, maybe. But naturally, No. Bear claws are like really really thick fingernails. Guess what? Sadly we have very thin fingernails. To keep your fingernails nice and strong. Cut them so they are short, (this will also make them non germy so your hands are clean. Most dirt is under your finger/toenails.) and worst of all: DO NOT CHEW YOUR FINGERNAILS! This will flatten them and make them thin and weak. If you want strong 'claws' i guess you can get them long? and cut them to have a point but it isnt very attractive... and it is a saftey hazard. Thank you and have a germ free day.

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How short should i cut my bob'?

I say cut it as short as you want. But if you want really short go for the pixie cut, if you want moderatly short i would go for the inverted bob.

What are some examples of superstitious belief with explanation?

don't cut your fingernails at night not to avoid bad luck, but because you may injure the finger when it is dark.

Are fingernails abiotic?

They are abiotic because when you cut them it isn't as if you cut a living organism.

How soon can you get a bad perm corrected?

Sadly, there really is no way to get a bad perm corrected. The best you can do is wash it as much as possible to try to get it to relax more. But likely, you will just have to cut the hair short.

What are some examples of superstitious beliefs with scientific explanation?

don't cut your fingernails at night not to avoid bad luck, but because you may injure the finger when it is dark.

Why did miley cryrus cut her hair?

she cut her hair for cancer research, she really suits it short.

What is a good hairstyle if you have short hair?

Hi I am Heather Fraser . I Have Just Had My Hair Cut Short And I Am 13 . It is really nice . I would recomened having your hair cut not to short if it is really long . Maybe To your shoulders . I would also say to get it layered it is in fashion just now . And it looks really pretty . Good Luck If you are getting it cut and i hope you really like it and that this answer could help you )

Why do you not feel any sensation when you cut your hair or fingernails?

They have no nerve endings.