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It is not the purpose of WikiAnswers to decide what is "bad" and what is not. That is an issue of personal morals and ethics (and, perhaps, religion).

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Q: Is it bad to drink alcohol on Good Friday?
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Is it good or bad to drink alcohol?

It is bad for you, it is not good for your internal organs.

Is it a bad idea to drink alcohol when you have strep?

It is always a bad idea to drink alcohol when you are in less than good shape. The use of alcohol impairs you both mentally and physically. When you are already physically impaired (Strep) the use of alcohol will only worsen the effects.

What is alcohol typically used for?

Alcohol is used to have a good times but things can get out of hand - Fights / bad behaviour - Injury - Drink driving

Is it okay to drink alcohol?

no it is not ok to drink alcohol because it got bad effects on your bode

What are the good and bad things about alcohol?

If your under age it is very unhealthy to drink alcohol and may cause memory loss when you are older !!! :o

Can alcohol make you depressed?

Absolutely. Alcohol is a depressant. Also, it is not good to drink alcohol when you already are depressed or in a bad mood. It can make it worse, and that's a sign of alcoholism.

What is alcohol and why is it bad?

Alcohol is bad because u drink while driving and u could have a accident while drinking alcohol

Is it bad to taste rubbing alcohol during pregnancy?

It is always bad to drink rubbing alcohol. It's poisonous.

Is it bad to drink alchohol?

It is not bad to drink alcohol in moderation unless it is prohibited by your religion or a physician has advised you not to do so,

Is it bad to drink water when you have drank alcohol?

it's excellent because alcohol dehydrates you

Is Friday the 13th good?

NO! Friday the 13th is not good. It's a day of bad luck.

Is Bailey's Irish cream bad for you?

Alcohol is not bad for you IF you drink in moderation - that means one drink, not a whole bottle! When you drink too much of any alcohol, it's bad for you because it poisons the liver and kills off brain cells.