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Q: Is it bad to drink grapefruit after a meal?
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Can you drink Crystal Light Ruby Red Grapefruit drink while taking Lipitor?

Yes, a person could drink Crystal Light Ruby Red Grapefruit drink while taking Lipitor. The reason for this is that there is no real grapefruit contained in the drink mix.

Can you drink grapefruit juice while taking perindopril?

The warning label for Cardura does not say anything about grapefruit or grapefruit juice. Therefore, it should be safe to drink grapefruit juice while taking this medication.

Is it bad to drink cold milk with a warm meal?

Medically speaking, no -- no problem at all.

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Does sprite have grapefruit juice in it?

Sprite does not have grapefruit juice. There is a grapefruit juice which has sprite in it. You can add sprite to nearly any drink to make a spritzer.

Can you drink grapfruit juice with clonazepam?

You can, it won't kill you. But it's not advised.

Can you lose weight with one grapefruit pill before a main meal?


Should you drink grapefruit juice with your medications?

No. Some medications give instructions not to have grapefruit juice with the medicine. I know statins are explicit about not having grapefruit juice.

What is the Grapefruit Diet?

Although there are many versions, the basic premise remains the same - dieters are advised to consume ½ a grapefruit at every meal, or in some cases can drink grapefruit juice or take a grapefruit capsule. The belief is that grapefruit contains fat-burning enzymes to aid those who want to lose weight. This fat burning property has been suspected, but not scientifically proven as yet.