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Q: Is it bad to dry marijuana in a food dehydrator?
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How do you dry coconut?

Take the raw coconut and put into a food dehydrator.

How do you dry a plant within a day?

You can put it in the sun to dry it or use a dehydrator.

How long does it take to dry food on a mr coffee food dehydrator?

I just found a used one in good shape with a manual for sale at an area thrift store for $8.00.

How do you dry fresh apples?

Slice them thin and put them in a food dehydrator. If you don't have a dehydrator, set your oven on low, about 150 degrees F and put them in there. You will want to line your baking pan with parchment paper, so they don't stick to the pan.

What forms can you buy marijuana in?

marijuana is basicaly the flower of the cannabis sativa/indica plant. when you dry the flower you get marijuana.

How do you dry oranges?

Slice an orange very thin. Then put the slices in a dehydrator.

How long do you dry cilantro in the dehydrator?

I dn1t know that is why i8 am asking you

Can you dry basil in a dehydrator?

As a general rule, dried spices are stronger than fresh spices.

What chile's air dry well?

all chilis dry well...just have to prepare them for the drying the right way...and that depends on the chili and your dryer/dehydrator :O)

How should I dry out my magic mushrooms?

Using a food dehydrator is most effective. You can also place them in front of a fan on top of newspaper. Alternatively, you can wrap them in a paper towel, put them in a paper bag and leave them in a wooden draw.

How do you preserve food by air-drying method?

depending on what you are drying - I suggest you get a dehydrator. Also it depends on where you live. I live in Las Vegas and air-dry fresh herbs all the time. It takes about two days in a well ventilated room. If you are in a hurry you can spread the leaves on a cookie sheet and dry it in a low oven (200) in about one and a half hours. For more moist subjects (meat, tomatoes, fruit) I have always used a dehydrator.

How do you dry pomegranates to make tea?

To dry the fruit you will need to place it on a wire rack, allowing it to air dry for at least three weeks. You will be able to see the changes in the fruit, sensing a lighter, hollower feel as it dries. If you don't have a wire rack you can also choose to dry them on a baking sheet lined with wax paper. If you use the wax paper you should turn the fruit every day or every other day to ensure that the fruit dries evenly and doesn't begin to rot on one side. You will know that the fruit is dry when it is about 1/3 of its starting size and is more brown or pink than red. If you want a faster drying option you can also use a large food dehydrator. The food dehydrator will help the fruit dry in a lot less time and it will also dry more evenly.