

Is it bad to give a lot of peanut butter to your dog?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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I give my dog peanut all the time, just depends where you put it on yourself.

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Q: Is it bad to give a lot of peanut butter to your dog?
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What happens when you give a dog peanut butter?

Dogs love peanut butter. Most people will put peanut butter in a Kong so it takes the dog a long time to get the peanut butter out. It keeps the dog busy.

Is Peanut Butter bad for Dog's joints?

No but it's bad for your joint if he starts to bite.

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Just give him some peanut butter

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he barries them and then he does nothin'

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Yes, but not in large amounts as it might get stuck in their throat or they might get sick.

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No. Too much peanut butter could be bad but my dog ate chocolate and still lived cause there was peanut butter in it. it would make a puppy very sick.

Ways to keep your dog busy?

Put peanut butter in a Kong (which is a special toy that you can get at a store) and then give it to him. He will try to get the peanut butter out. And that should get him busy.

How do you give medicine to a dog?

put the medicine in peanut butter Ps. its funny to watch!!!

Why can't dogs eat peaunutbutter?

There is a misconception about dogs and peanut butter. I do not recommend just feeding a dog straight peanut butter. The reason for this is that the dog can get it stuck to their palate and it can clog their throat/sinuses. There is nothing wrong with the peanut butter itself. It's okay to give your dog things that have peanut butter in them (such as dog treats), but even then I recommend checking the ingredients to make sure it isn't too sugary. Hope this helps!

Can dogs eat peanutbutter does it give them gas?

Yes, Peanut Butter is safe for dogs to eat. However, as with any food there are dogs that may have an allergy to the Peanut Butter. As for giving a dog gas, ias with some foods whether or not a dog will get gas or become gaseous from eating peanut butter depends on the dog.

Is peanutbutter good for dogs?

The better way to put it might be to say peanut butter is not bad for dogs. It can be helpful in giving medication to a dog -- most dogs like the taste of peanut butter. Peanut butter is, in general, a healthy food. However, peanut butter as a main staple of a dog's daily food intake is not good. It can be an acceptable treat.Peanut butter can be mixed with dog food to help reduce dandruff problems that dogs very often have. It is also rich in protein and vitamins. It is fine to give your dog peanut butter. The best kind of peanut butter to feed your dog is the organic kind or any kind that doesn't have a ton of sugar. wat ya doiniskjdhgkajdfhksdjvgbsdk

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