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No...well it depends if your mouse is an albino if it is do NOT light a candle

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Q: Is it bad to have a lit candle in the same room as a mouse?
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Is it bad to touch candle?

Well, if you mean is it "bad luck" then no. But if you touch a candle you will get burned or hurt!

How do people get rid of mice?

- You Simply Buy a Bigger Cat . C: - If they're bad and you set mouse traps with peanut butter on them. You'll catch them the second you leave the room. SNAP! I was catching them within minutes of pulling the last mouse off of the same trap.

What is scientific principle in having lighted candle in the kitchen to removed the bad odor when frying dried fish?

The candle burns the gasses that contribute to the smell. Same thing works in the loo :)

Is a candle good conductor of heat?

Candle is a bad conductor of heat and electricity.

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I'm not real sure Mickey mouse is bad, But if he is it's probably because his father was a rat.

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What function does each part of the candle have?

The function of the wax is to fuel the flame, it works with the air in a room or wherever the candle is and make the flame burn brighter, releasing the Good or bad- smell of the wax. The wick is made up of braided cord or string and it holds the flame, the tip of the string curls down toward the candle and that makes the flame burn at full capacity, the whole function, basically of the candle is to make the flame burn strong and bright.

When a santisma muerte candle turn black from burning does this mean it is working sometimes it just burn clear?

The color of a Santisima Muerte candle doesn't necessarily indicate whether it's working or not. It can vary depending on how the candle was made, the ingredients, and the environment where it's burning. Focus on the intention behind your candle work and trust the process, regardless of the color of the candle as it burns.

Is it bad to dip your fingers in hot candle wax?

It is bad because it can burn the skin cells in your fingers

How do you dispose of a candle that has brought me bad luck?

Bury it, off your property.

Is Mickey Mouse bad or good?

Bad....he likes to play with little boys.