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Generally no, but often yes. Animals in a well kept zoo usually have longer lifespans than in the wild, have a guaranteed supply of food, and receive medical attention.

However, there are also many zoos that mistreat animals, do not provide nutritious meals or medical attention, or buy animals that were captured illegally or unethically.

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Q: Is it bad to have zoo's?
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What are the bad things of zoos written like a conclusion?

Some people view zoos as bad because they feel animals are detained. Some zoos are no trained properly to care for the animals they own. Zoos who provide proper medical care, proper diets, and proper living facilities are safe for the animals. Some zoos actually house many injured animals, and care for the ones who could never be returned to the wild.

Zoos should be banned?

That depends on your opinion, but good zoos do provide opportunities for education and also they help endangered species grow back. Bad zoos, where they use the animals only for entertainment, are cruel and should be banned, but good zoos have their uses.

What percent of animals are kept in zoos?

All animals in zoos die eventually. There is no repatriation program worth mentioning.

Zoos good bad points?

Zoos are a bad thign for animals. I bet humans wouldn't like to be crammed up in a cage all day! Plus, we are pretty much stealing them. The animals should set up a zoo for humans and see how they like it. >:|

A good thesis statement for zoo's are bad for animals because?

Zoos are bad for animals because they cage creatures that are wild and often mistreat them. Furthermore, zoos often break animals spirit's and cause them to live shorter lives than the normally would in the wild.

What have the human rase done anything bad to endanger the alligator rase?

yes. Killed them, taken there homes put them in Zoos and many bad things