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If the girl does not know that you are not attracted to her, it is bad to make out with the girl. You could end up hurting her feelings if she is attracted to you and thinks that you feel the same.

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Q: Is it bad to make out with a girl but not be attracted to her?
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If you know she likes your friend more then you, it's too bad but you should probably move on to someone better who is crushing on you!

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If she isnt attracted to females then i would give up. Ask her friends about what sort of person she wants to date then be that. Make her know that you like her, be kind, if shes sad make her laugh or smile but dont be obsessive

How do you make a girl attracted to you?

Be yourself if she doesn't like who you are she's probably not worth it

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be yourself and let her know you're interested

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With confidence. A girl likes to feel,she can rely on a man and be protected by him. Never be too over confident though this can make a girl really dislike you. A big smile helps!

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Then they will date and that's all.

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Anyone can tell me some tips on how to make a girl like you?

BE YOURSELF. Any girl worth having is sure to be attracted to a guy who is comfortable with being himself.

How do you know whether a girl is attracted to you?

When a girl starts flirting with you, she's attracted to you. To find out the signs of flirting, look it up on Wikipedia.

When a girl called lesbian?

If a girl is not [sexually/physically] attracted to guys, but she is [sexually/physically] attracted to other girls, she's a lesbian.