

Is it bad to see a four legged monarch butterfly?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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I'm not sure but i guess it would be good luck because of a four leaf clover.

I'd think it was bad luck, since the butterfly is supposed to have six legs.

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Q: Is it bad to see a four legged monarch butterfly?
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What butterfly is bad tasting for birds?

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Does this combination of adaptations make every monarch butterfly safe from birds?

No. Since new birds are hatched every year, the young ones won't know that monarchs taste so bad. Also, the viceroy butterfly looks like a monarch. Birds eat it and it tastes good. So if that bird sees a monarch it thinks is a viceroy butterfly, it'll eat it.

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How does a Viceroy Butterfly mimics a Monarch Butterfly?

Butterflies are harmless. No American Lepidoptera is known to be poisonous to man. I am familiar with the Monarch, Red Admiral and other types. they are harmless and beautiful insects not pesky (Bugs). The Monarch butterfly is poisonous to some animals. The poisons in their bodies is very distasteful to many predators. The viceroy and monarch were once thought to exhibit Batesian mimicry where a harmless species mimics a toxic species. Studies conducted in the early 1990's suggest that the viceroy and the monarch are actually examples of Mullerian mimicry where two equally toxic species mimic each other to the benefit of each. Just goes to show you there's always something new to discover in the natural world!

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Monarch butterflies, for example, are poisionous to birds. The taste very bad and make birds sick enough to teach them a lesson.

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What are the difference between monarch butterfly and viceroy butterfly?

Butterflies and dragonflies both have wings used for flying. However the wings of a butterfly are much larger than dragonfly wings.

Will you die if you eat a butterfly?

No. The toxin in Monarch Butterflies is mild. Fort the most part they just taster bad, though eating enough of them could make you sick.

How does the monarch butterfly use coloration to protect or conceal themselves?

A Monarch butterfly does not want to conceal itself. It wants all potential predators to notice it and not mistake it for any other type of butterfly. The reason for this is that Monarch apparently taste terrible due to it's diet of milkweed when a caterpillar. Once a predator eats one it never wants to eat another. So the butterflies want to warn off the predators. Viceroy butterflies have noticed this and have adopted the Monarchs coloration. They are essentially saying to the predators "Hey! I look like a Monarch Butterfly so I probably taste bad. Leave me alone and go catch something tasty!"