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It is best to brush a minimum of twice a day. Once after breakfast in the morning and once before going to sleep at night. Brishing at night time is especialy important because when we sleep our salivary flow is slowed right down, reducing the protective properties and putting our teeth at greater risk of increased tooth decay and other dental problems. Flossing is also very important to maintain the health of our teeth and gums. A good regieme go get into the habbit of is floss first, then brush with fluoride toothpaste and finish with a mouth rinse.

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Q: Is it best to brush before or after breakfast and just before going to bed?
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Related questions

How many times a day is it recommended that young children brush their teeth?

It is advised that young children brush their teeth twice a day, children under 8 years of age may need assistance. The best time to brush is after breakfast and before going to bed.

What is the best time to brush your teeth?

I like to brush before bed, and perhaps again after breakfast. The important thing is to brush at least every 24 hours. Brushing disrupts the germs that cause tooth decay, and the germs do not recover enough to harm your teeth for at least 24 hours after you disturb them by brushing, flossing, or by using a gum stimulator.

When is the best time to do aerobics before or after breakfast?

The best way is to eat a light nutrition bar or apple (something light and healthy) before your workout, and then afterwards to have the complete breakfast meal

Do you brush your teeth before or after drinking pop?

I don't have a clue scientifically, but it seems before and after would be the best.

What do you need before traveling?

Answer Before traveling, one must ask themselves how long will they be going? What is the temperature where they are going and where will they be staying when they arrive. I'd say the basic things you would need would be a tooth brush, tooth paste, a change of clothes. Since only you knows where you are going it is best that you decide what you should take with you.

Is 604 calories for breakfast a lot?

well that depends on what your going to eat through out your day after breakfast and how much your going to exercise. The best way i can answer this question is the say that you are able to eat 2,500 calories throughout a day.

What is the best breakfast before a test?

the best will be eggs,milk,o.j,cereal,gum,toast,chicken soup,and to study.

Do you brush your teeth or have breakfast first?

You should brush as soon as possible. EDIT: Do NOT brush as soon as possible! Floss and rinse with water as soon as possible, but do not brush just yet. The acid in our food and drink erodes the enamel and minerals that keep our teeth protected. Brushing when these protections are weak damages our teeth and brushes away enamel that can never come back. It is best to wait around 30 minutes before brushing. " Answer also: I saw this in an article: Brushing your teeth immediately after drinking acid beverages or eating acid food can harm the enamel, says the Milenio newspaper of Mexico City. Reporting on a study done at the German University of Gottingen, the newspaper warns that acid foods temporarily weakens tooth enamel." Therefore, brushing one's teeth immediately after lunch can be detrimental. Instead, "it is advisable to wait a few minutes so that the teeth recover their strength." SMILE

What is the best breakfast to eat before playing sport?

Weet-bix. How many do you do?

When is the best time to brush your teeth?

You should brush your teeth at leat 3 times a day in the morning, in the afternoon, and at night. If you wear braces you should brush more often to get food out of your braces. Every single day of the moment.

What is the best wave brush to get?

a short bristle brush or a shoe brush its kinda the same

what are the best italian breakfast recipes?

You can go to the following website to find the best italian breakfast recipes and more breakfast recipeis