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I have an 8 month old puppy and when i first got him I had a leather sofa, I found that he scratched it a lot but I really wanted a fabric sofa, the only thing stopping me from going out and buying one was the fact that my puppy scratched the one we already had. Because I'd had the leather sofa for a long time I was not that bothered about it getting scratched but I thought to myself 'I am more likely to stop my dog from scratching my sofa if it was a new, fabric one that I actually like' so I bought one and I was right, I stopped my dog from scratching my sofa and after a week he did not do it anymore.

I also felt guilty as animals are killed to make leather sofas, and that is one of the reasons that I decided that I did not like my leather sofa and that I wanted a fabric sofa.


-they take longer for pets to tear them

-they are easy to clean


-animals are killed to make them

-pets are more inclined to scratch them as they are attracted to the smell

-they are cold(especially on a morning) and take a long time to warm up

-they are not as comfy as fabric sofas


-they are easier to train them not to scratch things

-they are much warmer than leather sofas

-they are comfier and easier to relax on

-nothing is killed to make them


-people think that they are easier to scratch

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Q: Is it best to have a fabric or leather sofa when you have a dog?
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Dog sofa removable and washable dog kennel large, medium and small dog cushion dog bed pet supplies This is nice chose for you go here h ttp://bit .ly/2LyvLlt (Please remove space url )

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Personally, I would begin to teach the dog to keep off the sofa. If you feel that you would still like your dog to stay on the sofa, then a good way to stop them from scratching is to use a small water bottle and everytime sratching occurs, use a small squirt on the dog's back to give them a shock. If even this doesn't work, the best thing to do is to pull them off the sofa! Hope this info helped!

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I thought dogs do not sweat... that is why they pant. The acids present in dog sweat and body secretions can severely damage the finish on leather furniture. If at all possible do not allow your dog to sit directly on the leather but always on a rug. Using a good quality leather protector and cleaning very regulalry with a maintenance product like Lazy Leather can help to minimise any problems.

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The best way i have found is to get a fresh egg white, (you must separate the yolk), than take cayenne powder and baking soda, you may need to do this twice. Been usuing it for years!

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Resolve. cleans. EVERYTHING. (and anything). i would get resolve pet stain, that works the best. when my dog was a puppy, he had accidents ALL the time. there is barely a stain left anywhere because i always kept resolve pet stain in my house ;)

I really want to make a nice pillow for my dog using dog fabric. Where can I find some inexpensive dog fabric online?

Hancock Fabrics has a bunch of custom patterns, including dog fabric. I think they'll be your best bet. Hot Diggity Dog specializes in dog fabric, and their prices are extremely reasonable.

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A dog should not be allowed on the sofa if it is dirty, or if it pees a lot. or if its too big of a dog. You wouldn't want 1) your sofa to smell cause of your smelly dog. 2) your sofa to smell like pee or get peed on. 3) your dog to take up all the room on the sofa!

Who makes Leather Dog Collars?

Leather dog collars can either be machine made or hand-made. The best leather dog collars are entirely hand-made or hand-finished. Good hand-made leather dog collars will have real nickel or brass rivets and hand-stitching. A well-know high end make of hand-made dog collars in the US are Dean and Tyler.

What should you do after your male dog pees on your sofa?

Dog sofa removable and washable dog kennel large, medium and small dog cushion dog bed pet supplies This is nice chose for you go here h ttp://bit .ly/2LyvLlt (Please remove space url )

Where is the best place to find high quality leather dog collars?

You can find leather dog collars at your local pet shop as well as through several online retailers. Some retailers include the pet store chains such as Petco and Petsmart, as well as independent retailers such as LDS Leather, Gun Dog Supply, and For Dog Trainers.

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You need a subject and a verb. This is true whether the clause is dependent -"The dog jumped onto the sofa"or independent -"The dog who jumped onto the sofa"