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It is good to train inside and outside so the dog learns to listen around the outside distractions and inside distractions. A fenced yard or unoccupied field would be best for training outside.

Answer: Initially you want to begin training your dog inside to build a solid foundation on certain cues. Once the dog is performing all the cues with very little error you should then move the training outside to generalize the behavior. Be sure that there is very little distraction when you first begin to train outside. As your dog performs better and better you can slowly add certain distractions.

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14y ago

For the first few years, leaving you puppy in a crate will be the safer option. They have less to get a hold of that might hurt them. After a few years, leaving a dog outside is not a bad thing, just make sure that in their boredom they will not jump the fence.

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10y ago

Puppies are a bit more complicated because they go practically all the time but with an older dog you can control the when you give them water and food (they usually go soon after eating), take them outside, use a command for them to pee or poo and when they do, give positive reinforcement. There's little point to punishing them after they pee or defecate in the house because they really don't know what they've done wrong, you'll just stress the dog and it won't accomplish anything.

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15y ago

Try keeping the dog inside for shorter periods inside, slowly increase the amount of time it stays indoors. At the start make sure you put paper down too!!

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14y ago

do you want it to shxt on the floor?

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Q: Is it better to train a dog outside or inside?
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If your dog always goes on the paper when inside this means the dog thinks that is where you want it to go to the bathroom. This makes training a lot easier. All you have to do is slowly move the paper outside, then get rid of the paper and make sure to praise the dog when it goes outside.

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Some dogs are harder to train than others. Somebody once told me to never play with the dog outside when you're trying to train him. Outside is for pooping. Inside is for playing and having fun. Also, if you can catch him pooping inside, tell him " NO! NO! BAD DOG!" but say it in a low growly voice. And growl at him like his mother would do if she was mad at him. He may understand that. Good luck.

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What are some fun thing to do with your dog?

If you are inside you can play fetch, play hide-and-seek or follow the leader. You can also try to train your dog to do some funny or cool things. If you are outside you can play fetch, or tag. Dogs really depend on people for there needs so if you can think of something better, do it! These are just some suggestions.

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