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i just spray painted my bike and it looks great but it has some air bubbles not to bad

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Q: What can you use instead of spraypaint to paint your bike?
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Can you spray paint an electric bass guitar?

It depends on what spraypaint you use. You have to use a special guitar paint. But it's not safe to use regular paint.

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You paint Buzz Bee guns the same way you would paint Nerf guns. You can use spraypaint or just regular paint.

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Yes, but you will need a lacquer-free paint - otherwise it will dissolve. Rust-o-leum makes a plastic safe paint and model airplane paint is also safe to use.

What type of paint do you use to paint a bike?

I use the hardest paint I can find and almost always finish coat it with a really good clearcoat.

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There are a number of ways you can paint gold jewelry. The best way to paint gold is to buy special paint and use a very small brush.

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use spraypaint or fingernail polish

What kind of paint stands up best to the outdoors?

you use spray paint from a can at a bike or car shop

Can you use citadel chaos black paint as primer instead of spray?

Yes, but it isn't as easy to paint.

What are vehicals?

vehicles are something that people use to get around instead of bike or feet

Can you still see through a light coat of mirror paint?

Well, If it is called "Mirror Paint" I'm pretty sure that you can put it on there, if normal paint then i would recommend painting the frame instead of the mirror there is Glass Paint which i recommend you use instead.

What products are good for the environment?

Use stainless steel water bottles instead of plastic ones. Use your bike or walk to places instead of using your car.

How does riding a bike make the air cleaner?

It is just a way to say, If you use your bike instead of your car, You'll prevent the air of pollution!