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Q: Is it common for a dove to sit on robins eggs?
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Do robins have to sit on there eggs to hatch?

Where ever the hell he wants

Which bird gives birth to young ones without laying eggs?

There are many birds that do not have to sit on their eggs constantly. Robins only sit on the eggs occasionally.

Is it possible that if a mother dove leaves her eggs for one day can they still hatch?

They won't if they go cold, which will likely happen if she leaves the nest, unless the eggs are artificially incubated, instead of the mothers heat, the growing chicks inside will die. It appears mother ducks will leave the nest during the laying phase and as long as it doesn't get below freezing outside, the eggs will do fine!

When can you safely know if the robins eggs are fertilized as I would like to sit on my porch as soon as possible?

If the eggs are laid they are already fertilized. You can go on your porch as long as you pay no mind to them and stay far away from them.

There is a dove on your back porch that has been sitting on a nest since late April early may and still no babies please explain How long does it take?

If there are eggs still in the nest that she's sitting on and they havent hatched, they may be unfertilized. A dove will sit on eggs regardless if they are fertilized. Might just like the area:)

What does it mean when a white dove is sitting on your doorstep?

It means a white dove decided to sit on your door step this afternoon.

Does the male dove sit on the nest?

No, he sits on the mothers face.

What does the mother hen do when it has laid eggs?

sit on the eggs

Do kookaburras sit on the eggs to hatch the babies?

Yes. Kookaburras incubate their eggs by sitting on them. Both the male and female sit on the eggs, sharing their incubation duties.

Is it true that ostriches have to constantly sit on their eggs?

they sit on their eggs about the same amount other birds do and they do not bury their heads in the ground.

Does the male goose sit on eggs?


How do they lay eggs?

maybe they sit