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Q: Is it common to get cervical polyps from a pregnancy?
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What is definition of cervical polyps?

A cervical polyp is a common tumor, normally benign, which is found on the surface of the cervical canal. Though there are usually no symptoms associated with these polyps, they can cause irregular menstrual bleeding in some women. Removal of a cervical polyp is a simple medical procedure.

What are the cures for cervical polyps?

Cervical polyps are a common condition and are not usually life threatening. Most OBGYNs can remove them easily during a pelvic exam, using by pulling them off or simply cutting them with forceps.

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How are cervical polyps removed?


Can cervical polyps prevent pregnancy from happening or can they stop a person from ovulating?

Yes it can because polyps can go up very high (just like in rectal polyps.) You should see your doctor and then see a specialist because something can be done about polyps and you also want to be sure you don't have any cancerous lumps.

Are multiple Rectal polyps common?

Multiple polyps are common

Do your cervical mucus dry up at 7 weeks of pregnancy?

Cervical mucus should not dry up during pregnancy.

How are large cervical polyps removed?

You have to ligate the proximal end of the polyp tightly and distal portion is excised.

Can pregnancy cause cervical cancer?

i dont know but is you do have a misscarige ia m really.really sorry.

Can antibiotics decrease cervical fluid during pregnancy?

No, it cannot decrease cervical fluid

What does cervical mucous have to do with pregnancy information?

Cervical mucous is related to pregnancy information as it works as one of the primary indicators to tell oneself as to whether or not they are pregnant or not.

What are some causes of bleeding during pregnancy?

There are a variety of reasons that someone might start bleeding during pregnancy, such as implantation of the eggs in the uterus, miscarriage, an ectopic pregnancy, cervical changes, infection, placenta previa, placenta abruption, uterine rupture, vasa previa, or premature labor. There are also possibilities that the bleeding may be due to an injury to the cervix, polyps or even cancer.