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Q: Is it constitutional to pray before a meal?
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How do you prepare a meal for a Christian?

Thats no problem! christians would eat anything that is food as long as they will pray before they eat it, and some of them dont even pray anyway.

Who do people pray with?

People pray with just about anybody. Many times people will pray in their place of worship with other worshipers. Also people pray at home with friends and family (think saying a prayer before a meal). And many times people pray by themselves.

What is the prayer before a meal?

Many people say a short prayer before eating their meals. These prayers are often called a blessing or grace. Some of them are poems that are recited, while others are spontaneous prayers of thanks.

Why can't you eat during prayer?

bacause it's disrespectful for God. Although, you need to pray before each meal thanking God for your food.

Do you pray before bedtime?

If you are Christian, you pray before bedtime. If you are Jewish, you do not pray at all.

Do Catholics pray at dinner?

A good Catholic should pray before they eat every time, even if it is just a snack. Does every Catholic pray grace before every meal? I kind of doubt it, but it is certainly the thing that they should be trying for. Our Blessed Lord told us to pray always - without ceasing, in other words our entire life should be a prayer, well, sometimes, that has got to be in words!

How the chameleons eat their food?

Chameleons eat their pray by catching it with their long tongues then they gobble up their pray and digest the meal.

What prayers are used at the Passover meal?

Prayers aren't recited during a meal (you don't pray while eating food). However, the standard prayers that relate to the foods about to be eaten (bread, wine, etc) are recited right before eating.

How long does a prayer last before its qada?

you can pray before the next pray time to overcome the qada pray

When do Baptists pray?

Devout baptists take the statement, "Pray without ceasing" literally. It is customary to pray before a meal, when embarking on a trip, when getting ready to study, the Bible especially, when there is a need for healing of the body or spirit, when there is need for strength. So, I would say that baptists pray not by the clock but by punctuation. Whenever you want help, what to give thanks, or you think about it.

Who would the soldiers pray to before battle?

Who did the greek soldiers pray for before battle

What should you do if you are surrounded by a pack of hyennas?

pray for your life have a last meal and run for your lyf