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Drinking 7 Red Bulls a day cannot possibly be healthy for you even if you're not on methadone.

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Q: Is it dangerous to drink 7 red bulls a day while on methadone?
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What drugs mixed with alcohol cause blackouts?

The answer to your question is yes and no. Yes, you can get a blackout when you take alcohol and methadone together. And no, methadone is not the cause of a blackout. If you get a blackout it is strictly from the Alcohol consumption. Of course, methadone will increase your level of intoxication. But if you blackout on methadone, you are either dead or overdosing. Methadone is a very dangerous drug and has an incredibly long half-life. I do NOT recommend mixing methadone and any other drug. If you are going to drink while on methadone, do so in moderation.

Does alcohol eat up methadone?

No. Cocaine and methadone are two completely separate substances that have very different metabolic and neurochemical pathways, and do not interact directly. Cocaine is a stimulant that blocks the dopamine transporter and results in increase of dopamine (it also increases norepinephrine and serotonin to some extent as well). Methadone is a synthetic opiate that binds to opiate receptors (similar to morphine and heroin) and produces a painkilling euphoria. While cocaine stimulates, methadone depresses the central nervous system. So, they act in opposition to that effect. However, it is dangerous to mix cocaine with any opiate, since it tends to result in heart attacks.

Can you drink while you are on the Methodone program?

no, you shouldn't - alcohol and methadone are both sedatives and slow down your breathind, so there's a real danger of death if you drink too much. chemists won't dispense methadone to anyone who is obviously drunk and may breathalyse you, andif your doctor thinks you are likely to drink he will be unlikely to prescribe methadone, particularly at higher doses. having said that, clearly many people do drink whilst on methadone but they are taking a definite risk.

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Yes, it is a dangerous idea.

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Is it safe to drink red bull while taking methadone?

Yeah I usually take my METHDONE in the morning before work then pound a redbull so I don't get tired

Does citalopram contain methadone?

Citalopram is an antidepressant medication, while methadone is a narcotic drug from opioids.

Can you drink vodka while taking Valium?

That is dangerous, certain drugs can kill if taken in conjunction with alcohol.

Can you take niacinamide while on Methadone?

No you cant

Will detox drinks make you withdraw if you are on methadone?

Yes, detox drinks can cause you to withdraw while on methadone.

Can you take milk thistle with methadone Does it reduce or increase your dose of methadone?

taking milk thistle actually slows the production of the paticular enzyme that breaks down methadone. therefore it takes your body longer to breakdown the methadone while on milk thistle, increasing the amount (dose) of methadone in your body. Im currently on both and it helps the methadone last longer while tapering.

Does alcohol eat away methadone in the body?

Anyway your not suppose drink alcohol while on mrth..... No. Alcohol slows down your metabolism therefore your body does not metabolize methadone as quickly as it would without alcohol. You may feel differently and have differant side effects becasue of the above answer.